I have a problem: when compiled and moved yo my Arduino Due, I constantly get this line in OS X Yosemite version 10.10.5: I see this line: Invalid version found: version 2013-07-07-17:51, It seems that the latest Arduino ide app version 1.6.5 doesn't erase all the previously installed version(s). in before hand of its own installation. How should I do do to get tid of this message? I have already tried to down load the Arduino App/program and also I've installed it also several time, with no luck! Please help me...
A bunch of people have had IDE 1.6.x problems, including IDE crashes and bizarre compile errors, when they have an old 1.5.x installation. Those problems seem to be caused by out-of-date executables that the new IDE saves outside the IDE installation directory. In such cases it appears that the fix is to delete or rename the old "Arduino15" directory and re-install 1.6.x.
On Mac OS X:
On Windows: