I installed latest arduino ide on onensuse linux machine, and used board manager to "install" support
for atmel sam3 (e.g. Due) and atmel sam21 boards, also adafruit boards. The board manager said it was done,
but I see no hardware interface files in the ide's hardware folder, only avr. Selecting one of the boards does not
cause any additional files to be downloaded.
I did a similar process some time ago for Due. Then the board manager installed a large set of hardware interface
files that appeared to have been copied from some version of atmel studio.
How can I get the files? They appear to be necessary to control these boards.
They're installed at /home/(username)/.arduino15/packages/arduino. The hardware definitions and libraries are in hardware/sam and the toolchain is under tools. The Arduino IDE never installs anything to the Arduino IDE installation folder unless you're running in portable mode, in which case the above information is incorrect and the package is in the portable subfolder of the arduino IDE installation folder.
Thanks for your quick response. I found the files you mentioned, but there is no source code for the low level
hardware interfaces, only a .a archive for the compiled versions for Due. I suppose I will have to get them from
atmel studio.