Where can I buy the arduino in kit form?

Where can I buy the arduino in pieces for me to assemble? Thank you.

Well, I don't think you can get the official Arduino in kit form, but there are LOTS of clones you can get.


Modern Device RBBB

Modern Device BBB


Build your own standalone

Just to name a few.

There's also PicoDuino from www.makerspace.com

Boarduino from Adafruit...

I second PWillard on the Boarduino. Easy to follow instructions, easy to solder up and with the header pins installed, plugs into a solderless breadboard.

Is the a particular reason you want it in kit form? because it will likely still be more expensive than buying a clone off ebay from China/Hong Kong.

because initially I thought it would be cheaper...but after seeing the kits it is minimal at best in savings. If I had all the parts near me in a store and I knew what all to get maybe it would be, but I don't. I think the prebuilt arduino or one of its cousins is the best way to go. thanks to all who responded.

I rather buy the Arduino from a supplier that is listed on the Arduino website. I only want the real deal, no knock-offs.

I rather buy the Arduino from a supplier that is listed on the Arduino website. I only want the real deal, no knock-offs.

You do realise that hardware wise the arduino is nothing more than a breakout board with a 5v regulator and usb-ttl converter? right?

As much as I would love to support the developers, it costs 3 times as much to buy an official arduino mega in the UK than to buy a perfect copy from China.

As much as I would love to support the developers, it costs 3 times as much to buy an official arduino mega in the UK than to buy a perfect copy from China.

Agreed. I think it's a great idea to buy at least your FIRST Arduino from the developers, but if you're not exactly rolling in cash (like me) it just makes more fiscal sense to buy clones from then on.

You can skip the official version of the board and get one from china as well as buy most of the components and still remain under budget for an original board.