I'm looking to build my first big project. Granted, I haven't done more than mess around, but I'm up to the task. However, I don't know which direction to go. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.
I have many Arduino Unos, one Mega 2560, a Mega prototype shield, Circuits@Home USB shield, Seeed Studio Relay Shield, and a Seeed Studio SD Card shield. I also have the servos (HXT900 9GR servos) that I need for prototyping.
I want to make a robotic head on a transport device. The head will have 10 servos for the neck, ears, eyebrows, eyes (2 servos each), and mouth. The rest of the body will be mounted on either a tricycle or 4 wheeled toy car (think Power Wheels). I want to be able to control the robot from a distance (10-20 feet). I also would like to communicate through the robot with a microphone and speaker (to send and receive audio) and control one of the servos.
I would like to use a PS3 controller to manipulate the servos. I have successfully set up this and working on the code. Any tips here would be appreciated.
I have no idea what motors to get, or to control them (using the PS3 controller). I'm also stumped about sending and receiving audio, as well as controlling the servo with a received signal (like an analog decibel meter). Power is also something I'm not sure about. I would like to use a small 12 volt battery to power everything (with the appropriate voltage regulation).
As far as communication, I like the Bluetooth option. However, I think it may be limited long term. With the ability to transmit sound, I'm guessing that creating an intranet and sending the data over wifi might be a better option. If all goes well, I could see adding a webcam to the whole project down the road.
If anyone has any pointers, suggestions, comments, and flat out "you can't do that's", I would be greatly appreciative!
Thanks in advance!