Where does the first pin start from at LCD "displaytech 202B"?

Recently I got a school task where I have to display the "Hello world" strings on LCD displaytech 202B. I borrowed the LCD from my school lab, but I really dont know where does the 1st pin start from. At the moment if I connect the ground and +5V pin from arduino to LCD pin 1,2 (starting from the right most side), then it gets the power. But refering to the tutorial (http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Tutorial/LCD_bb.png), I am not correct with powering up the LCD.

Another question, I don't have 10k Potentiometer for this project. Will it work without it?

i attached my LCD picture here:

Hi and welcome.

Did you try Googling this display ?
And did you think of having a peek in the datasheet ?
If not, do so next time.
Your question will be answered within 2 minutes.

First result in Google is the datasheet you need.
Page 7 of that datasheet shows the pin numbers, and they are off standard.
From left to right, viewing from the display side with the contacts at the bottom, you'll have pin 14, 13,- - - pin 1, pin 15, pin 16.
Pins 15 is backlight + and pin 16 is backlight -.

If you don't have a potentiometer, pull the contrast pin to GND.
If you leave it unconnected, you'll probably have a hard time reading the display.