where find servos saving money?

Hi everybody

im looking for servos everytype with 3,5,6 or i dont know wires....

Where i must look? printers? calculator or hat else?

thanks for the support

Servos have three wires and they are used in some radio control products.
If you want stepper motors then old printers are a good place to look

ok.....i dont know if its possibile to do something like this http://diydrones.ning.com/profiles/blogs/705844:BlogPost:31713 with steppers motors.....i must create 6 arms like this but its very expensive this solution for me...any ideas?

Here are some cheap servos that could be suitable: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.4504

I'm still new, but is the Ardu capable of directly driving servos without external power or boards or other requirements? I'm interested in the pan/tilt camera system.

In general, you'll need an external power supply for driving servos. The Arduino can drive one or two servos directly, using the Servo library:

The only place you'll find servos is in radio-controlled models such as aeroplanes, boats and cars. Printers and scanners are good for stepper motors and DC motors, amongst other things.

The library here enables an Arduino to drive 12 servos (or 48 with a mega) http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/MegaServo

And here is anoter source for decent priced servos, not quite as cheap as deaæextreme, but much larger selection, and presumably better quality.

EDIT: now with link :slight_smile:


Ebay is a great place to shop for servos at low prices. Huge supply both new & used. I've bought more than fifty for as little as 3-4$ apiece.
