I am a newcomer to the forum, thank you to all of you for all these interesting posts.
While playing with GoBetwino, I discovered the existence of atoi() function which does not appear in the reference, even extended. Maybe it is a standard native c function ? Anyway, I would like to find somewhere the list of functions I can use without linking libraries.
Sorry for my English, Il live in South of France.
And... season greetings !
I discovered the existence of atoi() function which does not appear in the reference, even extended. Maybe it is a standard native c function ?
Yes. Or at any rate a standard C function... I'm not sure that one would call it "native"; unlike most languages, C does not include many (any?) "built-in" functions that are part of the language itself. However, over time there has collected a set of standard (and/or standardized) functions that a C compiler vendor would be embarrassed not to provide as part of the included libraries.
I would like to find somewhere the list of functions I can use without linking libraries.
atoi() is usually part of "libc", the "standard C library." In the case of Arduino and avr-gcc, it is provided by avr-libc, which is documented here: AVR Libc Home Page
Note that using atoi() DOES cause a library to link, but it is a library that is searched automatically. Using atoi() (or other avr-libc functions that are not already used internally) WILL cause the size of your sketch to increase.
thanks to agib and westfw, it is what I was looking for.
I think that these links should be included in the reference page.