Where to begin here...?

Hey Guys,

So I have a goal in mind for a project I want to do and trying to figure out if arduino is the way to go with this.

My goal is to have some type of weight pressure sensor for a chair. Once the chair is occupied and the trigger is engaged by some one sitting on it, it will display a counter on an LCD display.

Example, Timer set at 5mins and the weight sensor is engaged, the timer will then count down and display its output on the LCD.

Is this something that would be pretty feasible?

Is it a bomb?

Yes, Arduino would have no trouble doing it.

Lol no, its not a bomb.

For my child, I want to make a "timeout chair".

Well, that's not as interesting :slight_smile:

Anyway, you should start with each module separately. Get an LCD running and counting down on its own.
Then figure out the pressure sensor, or you could use a simple switch. I don't think you need a measurement of the pressure, just the information that a threshold is passed. A spring loaded switch would do the job as well, I suppose. Perhaps sitting surface of the chair could have a flap over its entire surface that is sitting on the switch. Something simple.

Hi, are you sure SUPERNANNY, doesn't have the rights to "timeout".
If the seat is soft with a hard base then try a force sense resistor.

Tom...... :slight_smile: