Where to begin?

Hello everyone,

First of all, I am new and as much a beginner as they come. I’ve done a little work with raspberry pi but was curious if Arduino would be able to accomplish my goal.

So, here it is. I am looking for a way to control/automate multiple 1:87 scale cars, boats, trains etc using a computer. The best comparison I can think of is an “anki drive” type setup but with much more control and functionality. Very similar to the anki drive setup the vehicle would be controlled by the computer and send signals back and forth to the computer so it knows where it is and where it’s going. I have seen a project where a guy was able to build a tiny car that recognized street signs and tiny traffic lights. Now that I’m writing it down it seems a little far fetched. Anyway, any advice would be much appreciated.



So you've got nowhere in over a year?


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