Where to buy a big display ?

Hi everyone
For a personnal project, I'd need a big display for Arduino (7 inches would be ideal, 5 minimum). But I can't find any. The only one I found is this one :

But I read lots of people got problems with products from this store...
Would you know where I can find this kind of stuff ?

what kind of display? text /graphic

Sorry for being late
It's gonna be graphic (or at least it should be, to show some icons and simple interface elements, it's a project for the elders).
Resolution : don't actually know, it depends. I don't need an iPhone 6 Plus Retina display x) again it depends of the size of the display but I'd say 64/128 dpi would be great.
Purpose : it's to display things to old people on a automatic cart (don't know the exact Word in english ; don't know if you call it like that but it's Caddie in french), to display level of battery and a buying list.

If money is no object, I would recommend 4D Systems out of Australia. Their products are more for the commercial market rather than the hobbyist. Check their website, they may have a distributor in your country. http://www.4dsystems.com.au/

If you are like most of us and price is important, eBay is the place to go. While there are many sellers of LCD's, there is one in Hong Kong that I can recommend. Cold Tears Electronics has several large format TFT LCD's with an on board 4meg flash chip that adds proportional fonts and bitmap storage. They have their own line of shields to mount the lcd panel on a Mega or Due., the advantage with their shield is that they have optimized the connections so as to need less manipulation of the lcd data which increases overall speed.

They support their products with a custom version of UTFT. Note that you must buy their shield to use the unique features of the product, unless of course you you write your own library. I would recommend using a Due since you'll be pushing a lot of pixels around and the additional speed and memory would be put to good use.

Here is one of their 7" displays:

At seeing the prices and the complexity to get it, I think I will be able to do my project without it... With Bluetooth and smartphone.
Thank you anyway.

You can try buydisplay.com

I have bought three displays from them 2.4", 2.8" and 3.5"

So far i have been able to hook 2.4" and it works great.

i have 3 of these displays running on a MEGA and DUE
