Hello folks!
I've been looking for a while now to get an Arduino, I found several sites all with different starter kits. Or what I want to say.. I have no clue what to buy, I have no idea really what I can do with this or with that. So are you able to help me where to buy? I saw this one:
1 Arduino Duemilanove Board + 1 USB cable
1 Straight single line pinhead connectors 2,54 36x1
1 Breadboard, 830 tie points
1 Set of 70 breadboard jumper wires
5 10K Ohm Resistors 1/4W
5 2.2K Ohm Resistor 1/4 W
10 220 Ohm Resistors 1/4W
5 330K Ohm Resistors 1/4W
5 100nF capacitor polyester
5 10nF capacitor polyester
3 100uF electrolytic capacitor 25Vdc
1 4,7K Ohm Thermistor
1 70..100K Ohm LDR VT90N2
3 5mm RED LED
1 10Kohm linear potentiometer, pcb terminals
2 BC547 Transistor in TO92 Package
1 Piezo buzzer
5 PCB Pushbutton, 12x12mm size
2 4N35 Optocoupler DIL-6 package
2 Tilt sensor
1 Diode 1n4007
1 MOS Irf540
With the book getting started with Arduino, but at Earthshine Design I saw this one:
Choice of Atmega168 or Atmega328P chips
Roboduino Duemilanove SE (Arduino Clone Board) (or choice of without if you already have one)
USB A-B Cable
“The Complete Beginners Guide to the Arduino” eBook
Link to download all of the code in the book
9v DC Power Supply (Choice of UK or EU Socket)
Full Size (840 tie points) Breadboard
10 x Red Diffused 5mm LED's
10 x Green Diffused 5mm LED's
10 x Yellow Diffused 5mm LED's
10 x Red Clear 5mm LED's
10 x Green Clear 5mm LED's
10 x Blue Clear 5mm LED's
10 x 100R Resistors
10 x 150R Resistors
10 x 240R Resistors
10 x 470R Resistors
10 x 1K Resistors
10 x 1K5 Resistors
10 x 1M Resistors
5 x Tactile Switches
2 x 74HC595 Shift Register IC's
2 x Turned Pin 16-Way IC Sockets
2 x BC547B NPN Transistors
TIP-120 NPN Transistor
8×8 Mini LED Dot Matrix Display
LM35DT Temperature Sensor
Light Dependent Resistor
4.7K Potentiometer
3 - 4.5v DC Motor
3-Way Terminal Block
Piezoelectric Sounder
75 Piece Molded-End Jumper Wire Kit
Quality 7 Compartment Raaco Case
(The other site was in Dutch, however this one was not)
Or is there another one where I should buy?
Thanks in advance,