Where to buy MOSFETS?

[insert total newb disclaimer here]
Thanks to systemx I now have some direction on my project. Now I need to figure out where to purchase the parts I need.

I need to control some higher amperage/voltage circuits with an arduino, so I'm looking for MOSFETS.

I'd need some that could handle up to 30amps @ 110VAC, and some that could handle between 3 and 9amps @ 12VDC. They would be switched open/closed frequently via PWM to control some LED lighting/dimming.

Is there a decent online store for what I need? Not looking for the cheapest route, either. If there's better and worse grades, I'm okay paying a bit more for longevity/reliability. Again, I'm pretty ignorant of details, so any specific guidance is welcome. I was told to try ebay, but I'd be happy to buy from a reputable known company. My adafruit starter kit should be here soon... =)

Thanks for any help.

Try these people, they do world wide, I have used them for over 30 years. Not cheap but very good service and quite a good range and web site.

Awesome! And a doubly awesome response time!

Thanks Grumpy Mike.

Any recommendations for brand/specs/materials (unless it's going to be painfully obvious when I start searching farnell...)?

All of the major distributors sell MOSFETs - Allied, Newark, Digikey, Mouser (AllNewDigi*Mouse ;))

I would look at On-semi. On-Semi used to be the semiconductor piece of Motorola.
The best search engine for specs. 3 and 9 amps is trivial for a TO-220 FET. I am
using an NTP65N02R for my LED current sink board. Its a 65A, 24V FET in a TO-220 package. The cost is $0.75 (1) at Newark.

International Rectifier makes excellent FETs too.

Be careful of the power dissipation in the FET.
If you are using the FET as a switch you want to have sufficient gate drive current
to turn the FET on quickly. You also want a high gate to source voltage to get
the lowest on-resistance.

For switching AC you want either a TRIAC or a solid state relay. The solid state
relay will be a lot easier to use.

(* jcl *)

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