Where to connect 4 individual switches for 4 DC motors on a L293D motor shield?

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Arduino. After watching several videos and using Chat GPT I'm stuck with a problem.

I want to use a 9V 1A adapter to run an Arduino UNO R3 with a L293D motor drive expansion shield. Each of the 4 motors is a 6V DC motor with 100RPM. This part is clear.
I want to add a switch for each motor, so I can turn them ON and OFF separately. Where do I have to connect the wires from the switch? Do I have to melt them on the L293D motor shield? One end to the digital pin and the other to the GND?

I haven't bought the materials yet, I wanted to reach out for proposals.
It is essential for me to be able to turn ON and OFF the 4 motors separately.

Thank you

What exact switch?

For the popular 6mm tactile push button switches, wire one pin of each switch to ground. Wire a diagonal termian of each switch to an input with its pinMode set to INPUT_PULLUP.

It would be a comutator Dip switch, DP-4P.

You could, of course, stop any or all of the motors using software. Why do you need physical switches ?

If you do need physical switches then the conventional way to do it would be to connect/disconnect the power to each motor by putting a switch one or both wires providing power to the motor

I want to use it's EEPROM memory, so I don't have to connect it to my computer everytime.

In that case if I just put a switch between the motor and the L293D motor shield, won't it overheat?

What has using EEPROM got to do with connecting to the computer and why the need to connect/disconnect each motor separately ?

Why would the motor or the shield overheat if you stop providing power to it ?

Are you controlling the speed and rotation direction of the motors with the Arduino through the L29x driver shield?

Yes. It will be set to a constant speed, 100RPM. I don't want to modify it.

That will not work! Dip switches handle signals and a few mA, not motor currents. They will burn. up.
Read the switches in software and let the code operate the motors desired.

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