There is only limited quantity parts (I used the word "part" from Fritzing), if I want use others, where to find them, or I could only wait for Thinkcad add them?
You have to wait.
Do you know Wokwi :
I haven't found these components - KY-037, ADXL345 in Wokwi either, maybe need I wait for them in Wokwi either?
Wokwi is developing in a fast rate, but it is the work of one man.
Tinkercad adds new things only now and then, and there are bugs that are known for years and are not solved.
Wokwi does not simulate a analog circuit, but it has a microphone and a MPU-6050. Perhaps you could change the MPU-6050 into a ADXL345. You can request a new feature and then put money on it. Not everything is open source in Wokwi. The Arduino Uno simulation in the browser is open source, but the website is not.
No simulator will ever be "complete". For you, using hardware seems the best choice.
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