Where to get resistors

I currently have only about ten resistors of each order of magnitude from 10R to 1M, with a few scattered other E12 series values in between. I'm looking for a good source of resistors, preferably in packs of ~500-1000 assorted ones in sizes along the entire E12 series (though with a few more in more common sizes), ranging preferably from 100R to 10M at least. Does anyone sell such a set? Or if not, does anyone sell single resistors for about $0.01 each? Other than futurlec; I've seen the reviews they have and I'd rather not take my chances.

you can get a set 4300 resistors at 86 values for <$30 on amazon:
or 860 resistors for <$13 on ebay:

Taydaelectronics has resistors for $0.01 each and you can mix and match as you need.

even radio shack has a decent mix bag (500 for 13 bucks)

Thank you jaredpi! That 4300 resistor pack, while a bit excessive, is priced so low I can't pass it up! Plus they're metal-film too; I'll definitely be recommending this to others.