Which 7 inch display for the Due?

I have a Due I was about to buy a 7" display for:

7 Inch TFT LCD Display Touch Screen Module 800*480 SSD1963 Controller 16bit Parallel Bus Interface For Arduino 51/AVR/STM32

But when I look for advice on it I see an awful lot of unsolved problems and even from people buying the shield.

I'm not necessarily looking for the easiest hardware solution, I don't mind soldering, wiring and mounting in a case, but I'm looking for something that works and as always is economical.

Any suggestions? Am I just missing the obvious for this one and it does work with little to no problems?

Please post a link to the actual display that you have bought or are considering. e.g. Ebay sale page.

Likewise any Adapter Shield.

There is no point in us guessing.


An EVE2 display lets you offload the graphics/text generation to the display. You can communicate with the display over SPI using a fairly simple protocol. I have used them and they are quite nice.

For the display I was going for this until I did a search or two 7" inch TFT LCD module Display 800x480 SSD1963 Touch PWM, Arduino AVR STM32 ARM | eBay

And if I was going to get a shield I can only see this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/373795946869

I saw Nextion ones where the graphics were held on the screen and you basically just plotted what the Arduino got fed back.

I'm new to using screens, in fact most of it and that option seemed like a good one to me as well.

That screen and that Adapter Shield should work ok with a Due.

Do you really want a monster 7 inch screen?
The backlight will draw a significant current.


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That's great to know they will work fine, thank you. I ordered them for a chunk cheaper on Ali Express BTW, it isn't somewhere I normally use and I couldn't help but buy some potentiometers, joysticks, more breadboards, man have you seen the tactile switches? ... and led buttons, holy ... do they do divorce lawyers for when my wife finds out how far off the deep end I went?

Big screen it's for MFD/HUDs. I'm making an Arduino version with DX buttons and I'm half way through the Pi version that is keyboard macros, done the button half just got the screen half to do. I'm doing both to learn Python and C++ as well as the hardware side.

Also a big screen because what started this is me, illness made me begin to button mash. I actually set out to try and do this years ago and everything was lacking and the material to learn from wasn't anything like it is now.

I found my ATMega 1280 and R3 Uno and Duomilanove were all well and truly out of date along with me. My RPi 2 and 3B also lacking.

So I ordered a couple of Pi Pico (I already coded the max buttons on that and hope I did it right making the pins live and using 4 grounds, all the tutorials use the 3.3v source), a couple of Pi Zero 2, an RPI 4 8GB since it can also talk through the USB unlike the earlier versions, a Leonardo, a Due and I will probably get another few Arduino variants depending how deep down the rabbit hole I go. I also may have just overspent in AliExpress but all those boards I ordered are originals and not from there ... I'm a dead man. I got a 5" screen for the Leonardo, a 7" for the Pi Zero, a 7" for the Due and will get a 13.9" for the Pi4.

Anyway ... I take it that it will be possible for me to add another DC source for the screen if it is that much of a power hog, though shield to compete with now so I ordered two shields and one I can cut tracks and test with an external PSU if necessary.

What about 7" TFT LCD Display RA8876 Module?

I didn't, well don't really know any of the screens. But the one I went for was about £35 GBP and then about £5 for the shield.

For what I want it for I could use half the resolution, I'd settle for my old Mattel Aquarius graphics on it.

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