Hello, I want to use an arduino to control multiple things in my project car. The things I need are:
Can-Bus support
switching of 2 relays
one PWM output
3x temperature sensors
detecting charging voltage from the generator instead of just ignition (14.4V vs 12V) if this is even possible?
I was looking at the Arduino Uno Rev.4 SMD, WiFi. Can wifi be used for reprogramming? It would be nice if I ever have to change something once it's installed in the car. Is this the best arduino I can use or are there other one's better suited for my application?
an ESP32 would offer OTA capabilities and has an integrated CAN controller and therefore doesn’t need an external controller. See CAN bus — ESPHome for an example
PWM is supported natively too and driving sensors or relays is just a matter of choosing components correctly and connecting /powering your stuff correctly. Mind electromagnetic interferences.
Is this a real car or a model? Most any of the Arduinos will work There are CAN bus modules for about a buck and a few resistors will do the voltage measurement for you.
I highly recommend you read this application note by ST: AN2689 "Protection of automotive electronics from electrical hazards, guidelines for design and component selection"