Hello everyone, how are you?
I need help from the most experienced of the group, I set up a led panel with 1200 pixels WS2812B and I have the arduino uno R3. But it can only communicate with 300 pixels, is there an Arduino model that I can communicate the 1200 pixels with?
I look forward to your help, thank you.
An Atmega1284 has 16K of SRAM.
Or an ESP8266 if I recall correctly.
Any of the new nano 33 BLE models. Or the Due, zero or the MKR series. These are all 3V3 models so are likely to need a 3V3 to 5V converter. Use two of the buffers in a 74HTC14 chip for this not the level shifting birds designed for I2C.
Note you will need this signal converter with the ESP8266 as well.
AdaFruit make a few boards which are 3.3V and lots of memory but don't need a logic level converter, such as ItsyBitsy M0. It has a special pin with built-in logic level converter for NeoPixel strips.
But here is an important question:
The more NeoPixels a board has to control, the slower the update. 1200 RGB leds will take in theory at least 36ms to update, probably more in practice. That's around 27 updates per second in theory but could easily be only 20~25 updates per second in practice.
Its that fast enough for your project?