Which Arduino unit to use for matrix lights

which Arduino unit should I use to run a matrix of led lights where one is on at a time and they are randomly operated?
what are neopixels and would they be better than led's as my matrix will be small - about 1.5 in x 3.5 in and I want around 15-20 lights (if possible)?

Basically any Arduino will do for your requirements.

Neopixels are known as addressable leds; a strip of them only occupies one pin which can be a major advantage. If you have a strip of 20 neopixels, you send 20 packets of 3 bytes. The first neopixel takes the first received packet of 3 bytes and passes the other packets through to the next neopixel; this one again takes the first packet of 3 bytes and passes the remainder through. And so on.

It's not really addressable in that you can not directly talk to one of the pixels. See it as a street with houses where only the first one has a frontdoor; to get to the next house, you have to go through the first one.

Disadvantage of Neopixels is that on long strips, the transfer of the data can take relatively long. But in your case that would not pose a problem.

  1. Power level each light?
  2. Colour?
  3. To be dimmed?
  4. Size?
  5. Purpose?

color - red and blue
no dimming
decoration for costume - so needs to be battery powered (reference to #1 - but won't know the power till I get more info for which unit to use)

Neopixel is a Arafruit's brand name for WS2812 (and similar) LEDs. It's actually a combined LED & chip.

Adafruit is also a source of all kinds of information about how to use them , and how to control them with an Arduino.

The hardware & wiring is super-easy since you just need one data-line and power.
The software is a little complicated but there are software libraries so you don't have to write all of the code yourself, you just have to learn how to use the library.

Neopixels usually come as an LED strip but they come in all kinds of configurations, or you can buy them individually and then arrange them in a matrix, spaced as you like.

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