Which BDC decoder to drive a 16 levels bargraph

I would like to drive a 16 levels bargraph from 4 arduino's outputs and I need a BCD decoder to drive the leds.

Do you know of a decoder that would do the trick? The usual decoders/multiplexers (74154, ...) are not suitable since they only activate one output at a time. The goal here is to successively light several LEDs at a time.
Thanks for your help.


BCD means ten different values in the 4 bit nibble, 0 to 9.

So there will be no BCD decoder driving a 16 level bar graph.

I suppose something like this: http://www.slsemicon.co.kr/data_down/sl74hc/HC154.PDF but you may have to invert those diodes. But it fails this test: The goal here is to successively light several LEDs at a time unless you multiplex it rapidly.

sorry you are right... forget about BCD, just decoder.

You are describing a shift register, like 74HC595. By the way, you really need current limiting resistors on the LEDs.

Actually, you described an "addressable latch" but I don't think you will find that as easy to find or work with.

A led driver chip may also suit here. If the bar display is common cathode, as illustrated, an HT16K33 should work and you could even drive 8 of those bar displays with one chip. This does not require current limiting resistors and can be addressed via I2C.

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It's probably overkill but, a MAX7219 would also work and there'd be the capability to drive an additional forty-eight LEDs if needed.

Hello bernard_paris

Check this:

TPIC6B595, like an HC595 with higher drive capability built in or CD54HC259 addressable latch as @anon57585045 suggested.

edit: Sorry, not a reply to @dougp specifically.

@EmilyJane Cool, thanks for this, I will use 74HC595.
Example with a tpic6b595 driving leds

Is the bar graph a component, or custom made? If it's a component, please link to the specifications.

Not, unfortunately with common cathode displays which the OP appears to have illustrated in the first post. The TPIC6B595 can sink only.

Ah, I overlooked that. Good point.

No problem. I make mistakes too. Although, having said that, I can't think of a specific example offhand :wink:

lol. OP didn't post what specific bar graph they were using so those individual LEDs could be hooked up any which way. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The forum guidelines strongly suggest posting specific vs. general information. I'm asking for a data sheet or reference for the part.

This forum has a mixture of experienced and inexperienced experimenters. We can't just assume normal diligence in such cases.

Oh yes a shift register, a good idea, I didn't thought about it. Common cathod is not a constraint for me I can change my mind for that.

Thank you, Bernard.

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