I would like to drive a 16 levels bargraph from 4 arduino's outputs and I need a BCD decoder to drive the leds.
Do you know of a decoder that would do the trick? The usual decoders/multiplexers (74154, ...) are not suitable since they only activate one output at a time. The goal here is to successively light several LEDs at a time.
Thanks for your help.
I suppose something like this: http://www.slsemicon.co.kr/data_down/sl74hc/HC154.PDF but you may have to invert those diodes. But it fails this test: The goal here is to successively light several LEDs at a time unless you multiplex it rapidly.
A led driver chip may also suit here. If the bar display is common cathode, as illustrated, an HT16K33 should work and you could even drive 8 of those bar displays with one chip. This does not require current limiting resistors and can be addressed via I2C.