Which board should I buy & where

I am in US, I want to buy Arduino I want to know which one should I buy, I want to mess with video out with Arduino, Please tell me which model should I buy and where.
Thank you

Video out ? With an arduino ? Unless its VERY limited, it not going to happen.

I'd recommend the basic Arduino Duemilanove for anyone's first project (best community support), plus these things are so cheap you can always upgrade later if you need the extra code space/more IO...

^^ TellyMate shield, as Pluggy said, very limited.

Microvga.com has Arduino support.

What you should do is examine your needs and your experience and decide whether you need an Atmega or smaller arduino board. Unfortunately, no one has answered me on the differences between the two and I don't own one so I can't give you further advice. :cry:

A better idea (for your purposes) would be to get a heavyweight player like avr microprocessors (ARM based) or the avr xmega (i think they offer 32 bit which might be a good idea) because for full video out you're not going to be able to far with an arduino.

Of course, IMHO.

Mind you, the xmega and ARM processors will be much more expensive (not so much for the xmega but for ARM) and harder to program than the arduino.