Which Board To Pick?

Is there a list anywhere that will help a newbie figure out which board to pick for a project. It would be nice to have a giant list available for everyone to use, but I am not even sure that is possible.

I am trying to create a series of leds that will fade, but I do not know which board to use for this process. Any help is appreciated.

Usually, beginners stick to the base board (this year, the Uno/Uno SMD). These often come in kits to facilitate the introduction process. If you are ready to step up your game immediately, then you can read about all the different boards here:

As you probably don't mean just official arduino boards, here is a better list:

It needs some updating (doesn't have the uno for example) but has most arduino boards on it.

Does anyone know which board I could connect a few hundred leds to?

Does anyone know which board I could connect a few hundred leds to?

Any of them with the proper extra external components. Probably only the mega boards if not wanting to use extra external components and you can live with multiplex driving the 100 leds.


Does anyone know which board I could connect a few hundred leds to?

As lefty said, you will need other components (shift registers/multiplexers/led driver chips - examples of possibilities).
