Which condensators should I use for a ESP8266?

Hi falks,

I have a question due to the ESP8266 12E

Which kondensators should I use for the 12E ? I have a shematic for KiCAD attached to this post.

See the data sheet page 3. The illustrated capacitors are electrolytic: https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/products_inactive_data/AZ1117.pdf

Thanks. Just to be clear: the ESP8266 has a operating voltage of 3.3V. I am using a AZ1117-3.3 (not 5.0). So should I use these "red circled" types anyway ?

Greetings from Germany

Yes. It is the same for 3.3 volts. Usually, unless there are good reasons not to, the data sheet recommendations should be given priority. Your ESP12 circuit is, incidentally, quite bare looking. If you are not using a development board, there are a number of components, such as external bias resistors, which must be added.

I already knew it . . .

hahaha, okay.

what do u mean by "must be added" ?

yes, it is going to be placed on a PCB. Which parts ? maybe ceramic capacitors ? I really have no clue.

If you are using a raw ESP12E (or maybe it is ESP12F - I can't read it) module, then look at the circuit diagram here: A Beginner's Guide to the ESP8266
It shows the additional components you require. For example, GPIO15 must be biased to GND with a 10k resistor.

If, however, you are using a full development board (which includes an ESP module) together with other extras like a USB interface to program it etc., then these components will already be installed.

it is not a development board. It is a single ESP8266E module. Okay, I will read the darasheet of the ESP

If it looks just like this, it is a raw module:

You'll also (probably) need headers to (re-)program it with as well as the components you find in that document in post #6

yeah.. I've already found a way to flash it. I allways flash them with a NODEMCU Development board.

I have one project which uses a raw ESP12E module. I copied the Adafruit Huzzah breakout design which makes it programmable via a 5 volt UBS/UART adaptor. I didn't use buttons, I just added header pins which I short out as a substitute: Downloads | Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 breakout | Adafruit Learning System

okay, thanks for the tip.. Greetings to ...??... from Germany

@absoltue_beginner , your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is not for problems with (nor for advise on) your project.

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Switzerland a bit south of Bern.

Okay my Friend :smiley: Thanks... und Grüße nach Schweiz aus Bielefeld :smiley:

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