In my new project I am trying to connect arduino wirelessly with pc which will have some GUI for controlling outputs on arduino or collecting data from sensors. My question is: whst should i use to manage this? Should I use Xbee or BLE like nrf8001 or maybe something else?What would you do?
I forgot to say the distance is not important because it would be in range of room maybe two. The most important thing is security of data transfer so ther would not be any interuption if there are other signals in the room
I forgot to say the distance is not important because it would be in range of room maybe two. The most important thing is security of data transfer so ther would not be any interuption if there are other signals in the room
Wireless signals can always be jammed.
You need to design a communications protocol on top of Xbee/BLE or whatever that can make an unlimited number of transmission retries until it receives an acknowledgement from the receiver to say that a message has been received.
Wireless signals can always be jammed.
You need to design a communications protocol on top of Xbee/BLE or whatever that can make an unlimited number of transmission retries until it receives an acknowledgement from the receiver to say that a message has been received.
"message has been received CORRECTLY". Another aspect you don't mention on the "security" side - you don't indicate if the data is sensitive - is it a problem if someone else reads it? Does it need encryption? You indicate "the most important thing is security of data transfer" but there are two aspects of security - correctly transferred and does it need encryption.
hi, yes you are is not important if someone reads it...basically data will be sensor input lets say and all i want is when distance sensor is triggered i will wirelessly have score incremented on gui on pc, so it is important that the score is incremented only by sensor not some other signal with same frequency or similar