Which is better

i dont think this is the right category, but which is better? a joystick module or a clock module? due to certain circumstances, i can only get one or the other. Which one would you guys get?

That depends on what your project is.
Me, I would pick the RTC (real time clock) if that is one of your choices.

I can think of more projects to use it in.

cool, it is a choice and now im leaning to that side, i just needed a tie breaker, thanks

Joystick, then you can drive a lit LED around a matrix or cube, or control a robot arm.
Can always write some code to do what a clock chip does.

You only need a clock module if you need to keep time accurately. You could do many Arduino projects involving timers and even clocks without a clock module if you are prepared to accept some error in timing while you are learning.

On the other hand a joystick (or a pair of potentiometers) adds a capability that does not exist within the Arduino.


you can also create a joystick from junk , building an RTC from scratch is more difficult

You could consider visiting a second hand store and buy some old gadget /toy with useful electronics in it for a few dollar/euro.

what is the price point ?

I would go for an touch screen,. banggood about $6

or an SC card and RTC about the same.

I too agree that one can make things like a joystick from parts.

well each is about 6 dollars, so i think ill go for the clock module and go for an old Xbox controller from my basement for the joystick( it only has 1 becuase i threw it, thats why its in the basement)

well each is about 6 dollars, so i think ill go for the clock module and go for an old Xbox controller from my basement for the joystick( it only has 1 becuase i threw it, thats why its in the basement)

Sounds very sensible - but may I add a suggestion.

Since you already have a joystick get it working before you order the clock module. (And, believe me, I understand the urge to buy something NOW)

You may find when you have played with the joystick for a while that you would prefer something other than the clock.


And if you do go for the clock module, go for one based on the DS3231. It has an internal oscillator and is temperature compensated.

it does come down to what you want to do.

if you want to do gardening, two nails and you can make a water sensor.
a water valve would be expensive, less than $20, a relay and a lawn valve from a hardware store.
no need for anything more.

if you are into programming, you can create a clock based on the time of sunrise and sunset. water the lawn at sunrise each day. a bucket with water sensor and a tiny hole in the bottom and you have a rain detector

home alarm system, lights on and off with motion.....