Which is the BRIGHTEST Arduino display?

Hey, I'm making a project in which I need a small display (could be anywhere from 0.66" (diagonal) to 2" (long)) that will be reflected by a transparent acrylic sheet. Since the sheet is transparent, visibility is bound to be low in bright daylight conditions, and so I'm looking for the brightest Arduino display that may be atleast slightly visible on the acrylic sheet. Here, transflective screens and e-ink might not do the trick, because it is actually not the screen that will be viewed, but a reflection of the screen on a transparent sheet. So the brightest screen will probably be the most visible. For the project, I'm agnostic as to whether it's LCD, LED or OLED, just as long as it's very bright and not TOO expensive:)

Thanks in advanced for any suggestions!

Ok, I did not really understood your project setup... But you need a self-illuminated display, right?

EA DOG series of displays are sold with high quality white backlights, but if it should be really bright, then maybe use a transparent LCD and add your own high power LEDs behind?

I recently added support for this transparent display to u8g2:


Hi Oliver,

Thanks for the reply!

The project is a crude smart glass device based on the pepper's ghost principle. There's a display screen inside the body that is magnified by a convex lens, and then reflected by a transparent acrylic screen in front. The effect is that it seems as if the display's contents are on the transparent screen - it works just like a HUD, in a car for example.
The problem is outdoors, when the brightness is very high, the image does not get reflected on the transparent screen, and so i'm looking for the brightest, small display for arduino so that even in bright conditions it can get reflected onto the transparent screen. Transparent lcds may not work because if they are very close to the eye, it becomes difficult to focus and the eyes start hurting.

Any suggestions?


I can only say that I have a few TFT displays all of the have the same brightest.