Which module for Bluetooth HID for gamepad for android

Hi everyone!

Im new here and with arduino :slight_smile: I want to create simple gamepad(2 xy pads and about 12 buttons) and i need to connect to android by bluetooth. I don't want to use any emulators on android or extra usb recaivers to phone - i must connect to android just as a bt gamepad. I was looking for some bluetooth HID modules and i found AZDelivery ESP32 D1 Mini NodeMCU (https://www.amazon.de/-/pl/gp/product/B08BTRQNB3/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1X7QLRQH87QA3&psc=1) which i can buy easy on amazon. The question: is that fine module? With this module can i simply connect to android device as gamepad by bluetooth? I want to use arduino mega 2560, but maybe should i use other one? I want to use arduino which has alot of IO pins, few TX/RX pins and is a bit fast. Ahh.. and i want to use arduino/bt hid module which has fine librares for Arduino IDE(C++ language)! :slight_smile:
Thank you alot!

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