Which PCB board is used for 2 axis laser scanner?

I am developing a 3 D scanner. It consists of made 2 axis system powered by Arduino Uno with grbl firmware. Universal G code sender is used to define path movement. A laser sensor is mounted on top of 2 axis system. Adafruit VL53L0X firmware is used to record the reading of laser sensor. This recorded value of the sensor is referred to Z coordinate which is synchronized with the x and y valued sent by G code.

My ultimate goal is to get the X, Y, Z coordinate of an object. But I am facing major problems:

  1. Grbl firmware is working fine with CNC shield separately and Adafruit firmware working fine separately but when I connect both firmware together one of them is working and another one is not supporting
  2. When I connect CNC shield then there is no free pin left to connect the laser sensor

Please suggest which board is suitable for this kind of project. Please share what can be done in this situation.
Electronic component I am using;

  1. Arduino Uno
  2. CNC shield
  3. Adafruit VL53L0X laser sensor
  4. GRBL firmware
  5. Universal G code sensor
  6. 2 Nema 17 stepper motor
  7. 2 limit switches
  8. 12 AC to DC power supply

Assuming that you have the CNC shield V3 for the Uno the I2C pins are in the top right header.


How are you getting the distance readings (Z axis) from the rangefinder? Z probing?
I am interested because I am working on a scanner, too.

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