Which pins are valid for CapSense library?

Hi, I'm playing with the CapacitiveSensor library. I have a working CapacitiveSensor using pins 7 and 6, but the other two sensors I declared are not working:

CapacitiveSensor cs1 = CapacitiveSensor(7, 6);
CapacitiveSensor cs2 = CapacitiveSensor(PIN_A3, PIN_A4);
CapacitiveSensor cs3 = CapacitiveSensor(0, PIN_A5);

The wiring is identical for all three and I triple-checked it. Calling capacitiveSensor(100) on cs2 and cs3 immediately returns a result of -1 (with 0 elapsed millis).

According to the documentation at Arduino Playground - CapacitiveSensor this means the pin is invalid (although the same doc still says the engineers haven't gotten around to implementing that return code yet).

I tried a couple others pins with same results.

Can you tell me which pins are valid? I thought the library said its usable on ALL I/O pins. Or does the -1 indicate a different problem?

Note I'm using Serial, I2S (ArduinoSound) and SD in the same project.

Also note that documentation links to a dead old forum thread as the "official" place to discuss the library. Gotta say I was really excited about the Arduino (MKR Zero specifically) but the level of documentation is stunningly disappointing. (Didn't realize I2S was hardwired - might be nice if your docs linked to the SAMD Peripheral Multiplexer docs; and haven't even been able to find a list of appropriate constant names for all ports without resorting to variant.h)

Appreciate any help!

but the other two sensors I declared are not working:

The one with pin 0 as one of the pins will clearly NOT work, if you are using Serial to prove that the others work.

We have NO idea what values you assigned to PIN_A3 or PIN_A4, so we can only assume that again you are trying to use one pin for two different purposes.

There is a reason that we expect you to post ALL of your code.

Easy there; no need to be patronizing. I'm new here, didn't know the protocol.

I'm not intentionally trying to utilize multiple pins for competing purposes. That's why I was hoping to find some better documentation about which pins are utilized by the built-in libraries. Presently I'm working on reverse engineering that info from source code files, the Arduino schematic, and SAMD datasheet. Thanks for catching the pin 0 Serial conflict.

Here's the full listing. Appreciate your help.

 This reads a wave file from an SD card and plays it using the I2S interface to
 a MAX08357 I2S Amp Breakout board.

 * Arduino MKRZero board
 * MAX08357:
   * GND connected GND
   * VIN connected 5V
   * LRC connected to pin 3 / PA11 (MKR1000, MKRZero)
   * BCLK connected to pin 2 / PA10 / I2S/SCK[0] (original proto attempted pin 2 / PB10)
   * DIN connected to pin A6 / PA07 / I2S/SD[0] (original proto attempted pin A5 / PB11 which has I2S/SCK[1])

/* These earlier attempts to remap are unused
//#undef PIN_I2S_SD
//#undef PIN_I2S_SCK
//#define PIN_I2S_SD (5u)
//#define PIN_I2S_SCK (4u)
See C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.6.18\variants\mkrzero\variant.h

#include <SD.h>
#include <ArduinoSound.h>
#include <CapacitiveSensor.h>

// Note: pin0 and 1 are for serial!

CapacitiveSensor cs1 = CapacitiveSensor(7, 6); //pin 6 is reciever and connects to wire / foil, pin 7 is sender, interconnect with 1Mohm
CapacitiveSensor cs2 = CapacitiveSensor(A3, A4);
CapacitiveSensor cs3 = CapacitiveSensor(0, PIN_A5);

const char filename[] = "MONOLOUD.WAV";
// 001.wav

SDWaveFile waveFile;
bool sdinitialized = true; // temporary

void setup() {

  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

  // Trying to get CapacitiveSensors to work (chunk shouldn't be required?)
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(6, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_A3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_A5, INPUT);

  cs1.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF); // turn off autocalibrate
  cs2.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF); // turn off autocalibrate
  cs3.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF); // turn off autocalibrate

  // Enable audio subboard and voltage converter
  pinMode(PIN_A2, OUTPUT); // sound board enabled
  pinMode(PIN_A1, OUTPUT); // vboost high for on
  digitalWrite(PIN_A2, 1);
  digitalWrite(PIN_A1, 1);
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only


void tryInitSD() {
  if (sdinitialized) return;
  // setup the SD card, depending on your shield of breakout board
  // you may need to pass a pin number in begin for SS
  Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
  if (!SD.begin()) {
    Serial.println("initialization failed!");
  Serial.println("initialization done.");
  sdinitialized = true;

  // create a SDWaveFile
  waveFile = SDWaveFile(filename);

  // check if the WaveFile is valid
  if (!waveFile) {
    Serial.println("wave file is invalid!");

  // print out some info. about the wave file
  Serial.print("Bits per sample = ");

  long channels = waveFile.channels();
  Serial.print("Channels = ");

  long sampleRate = waveFile.sampleRate();
  Serial.print("Sample rate = ");
  Serial.println(" Hz");

  long duration = waveFile.duration();
  Serial.print("Duration = ");
  Serial.println(" seconds");

  // adjust the playback volume

  // check if the I2S output can play the wave file
  if (!AudioOutI2S.canPlay(waveFile)) {
    Serial.println("unable to play wave file using I2S!");
    while (1); // do nothing

  // start playback
  Serial.println("starting playback");

void loop() {

  // check if playback is still going on
  //if (!AudioOutI2S.isPlaying()) {
    // playback has stopped
    //Serial.println("playback stopped");

    long start = millis();
    long total1 = cs1.capacitiveSensor(100);
    long interval1 = millis() - start;
    float avg1 = (float)total1 / (float)interval1;

    start = millis();
    long total2 = cs2.capacitiveSensor(100);
    long interval2 = millis() - start;
    float avg2 = (float)total2 / (float)interval2;

    start = millis();
    long total3 = cs3.capacitiveSensor(100);
    long interval3 = millis() - start;
    float avg3 = (float)total3 / (float)interval3;
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, avg1 > 250.0 ? HIGH : LOW); // TODO: REPLACE
    Serial.print(interval1); // check on performance in milliseconds
    Serial.print("\t"); // tab character for debug window spacing  

    Serial.print(interval2); // check on performance in milliseconds
    Serial.print("\t"); // tab character for debug window spacing  

    Serial.print(interval3); // check on performance in milliseconds
    Serial.print("\t"); // tab character for debug window spacing  

    //Serial.println("playback restarting");

Thanks for catching the pin 0 Serial conflict.

MKR boards don't have serial on pins 0 and 1, but on pins 13 and 14 (Serial1).

Cool. Any idea why those other pins wouldn't work (A3, A4, A5, 0)? Any tips to troubleshoot the cause of the -1 return value?