Which Pins for MikroElektronika LCD mini click board on Arduino Mega


I have purchased a MikroElektronika LCD mini click board (https://www.mikroe.com/lcd-mini-click) to use with my Arduino Mega click shield (Arduino Mega Click Shield - MikroElektronika) with my Arduino Mega.

I have downloaded the library for this (GitHub - Electronza/MIKROE_LCDmini: Arduino library for MikroElektronika LCD mini click board (MIKROE-2453)), I also have found an example of the settings on an Arduino Uno (Arduino library for MikroElektronika LCD mini click board - Electronza - Medium).

The Pin settings for an Arduino Uno are shown in the code below, I cannot work out the pin settings for an Arduino Mega:

#include <MIKROE_LCDmini.h>

MIKROE_LCDmini lcd(A3, 10, A0, 6); // This is the bit I need to change, but I dont know what to.

void setup() {

void loop() {

I hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance.

MEGA2560_Rev3e_sch.pdf (102 KB)

arduno-mega-click-shield-manual-v100.pdf (675 KB)

lcd-mini-click-schematic-v101.pdf (671 KB)

I have figured it out with some trial and error, the numbering was different between the Mikroe schematic and the Arduino Mega schematic which had confused me.

For the Arduino Mega, MikroBus socket #1, the pin settings are:

MIKROE_LCDmini lcd(49, 53, A0, 5);