I have purchased a MikroElektronika LCD mini click board (https://www.mikroe.com/lcd-mini-click) to use with my Arduino Mega click shield (Arduino Mega Click Shield - MikroElektronika) with my Arduino Mega.
I have downloaded the library for this (GitHub - Electronza/MIKROE_LCDmini: Arduino library for MikroElektronika LCD mini click board (MIKROE-2453)), I also have found an example of the settings on an Arduino Uno (Arduino library for MikroElektronika LCD mini click board - Electronza - Medium).
The Pin settings for an Arduino Uno are shown in the code below, I cannot work out the pin settings for an Arduino Mega:
#include <MIKROE_LCDmini.h>
MIKROE_LCDmini lcd(A3, 10, A0, 6); // This is the bit I need to change, but I dont know what to.
void setup() {
void loop() {
I hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance.
MEGA2560_Rev3e_sch.pdf (102 KB)
arduno-mega-click-shield-manual-v100.pdf (675 KB)
lcd-mini-click-schematic-v101.pdf (671 KB)