I wish to build an Ultrasonic Gas Flow Sensor to measure the flow rate of LPG gas flowing through a tube in a Non-invasive way. I am planning to use the Transit-Time Flow Measurement method.
What should be the ideal frequency range of the sensor? And is there a sensor that's available in the market in which the transmitter and receiver are two different units and not combined on the same board?
The velocity of the sound wave hardly depends on the frequency, so I would not bother too much about that. Did you do the math to determine the distance between transducer and up/downstream receivers? Both can be purchased separately and you can find them easily with your favorite search engine. I also suggest to start experimenting with some non-flammable liquids.
Depends on what you mean by non invasive - you will need to build something that allows you to get the ultra sound into the gas - the transducer will need to be in the gas .
You also need the flow profile to be developed and realise that the gas is flowing faster in the centre of the pipe than at its edges .
The speed of sound in air and lpg are significantly different .
You need to think about the safety aspects of having electricity and gas in close proximity .