While Loop Trouble

I'm at a loss re the Arduino "while-loop'.

My code compiles and uploads OK.
But the while loop will not exit when the KY40 button is pressed or even if's button switch is constantly pushed. I determined the KY40 button switch IS working. I also grounded pin 4, but the while loop will NOT exit. Also, I'm pretty certain my KY40 bush-button switch has an internal pull-up itself.

Help please! My code follows.

// Rotary Encoder Inputs
int CLK=2;
int DT=3;
int SW=4;
int x;

void setup() {
  // Set encoder pins as inputs

  // Setup Serial Monitor

void loop() {
Serial.println("This is void loop");
KY40();//call KY40
int KY40(){
Serial.println("This is KY40 while loop");
digitalRead (SW);
digitalRead (SW);


= for assignment, == for comparison. In the while, you need a comparison.

You are correct. ... I forgot the double ==. My corrected sketch is below.

But now, the while loop doesn't execute at all i.e. x never increments. It seems as though the (SW==HIGH) condition always fails and SW is always LOW.

What am I missing ??

// Rotary Encoder Inputs
int CLK=2;
int DT=3;
int SW=4;
int x;

void setup() {
  // Set encoder pins as inputs

  // Setup Serial Monitor
  Serial.begin(9600);  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.println("This is void loop");
KY40();//call KY40
int KY40(){
Serial.println("This is KY40 while loop");
digitalRead (SW);
digitalRead (SW);

SW, if it being read, must be a pin, i.e. an integer. digitalRead(SW) is not being assigned to anything. That woud require SW = digitalRead(SW), which would likely change the value of SW, and you'd no longer be reading the pin. If SW in the pin, use something like SWValue - digitalRead(SW)

digitalRead (SW);  // read the switch input (pin 4) and throw the result away
while(SW==HIGH){  // if 4 is 1 execute the while block,  SW is a pin number
bool swVal = digitalRead (SW);  // read pin 4 and assign the state to the variable swVal
while(swVal == HIGH){  // if the switch is not pressed execute the while block

Assuming a switch wired to ground and the internal pullup enabled, if you want to execute the code in the while block when the switch is pressed:

bool swVal = digitalRead (SW);  // read pin 4 and assign the state to the variable swVal
while(swVal == LOW){  // if the switch is pressed execute the while block

I have 3 suggestions.

Use the state change detection method to read the switch. That will help to avoid multiple counts.

Use the IDE autoformat tool (ctrl-t or Tools, Auto format) to indent your code to make the code easier to follow.

Use millis() for timing and avoid delay() in your loop() code.
Non-blocking timing tutorials:
Several things at a time.
Beginner's guide to millis().
Blink without delay().

Thanks guys for your help. My while loop is working correctly now.

jrdoner: I forgot to assign the digitalRead to something. My bad ...... declining neurons :confused:

groundfungus: I'll have a look at your mills and state change suggestions. Also, I'll try to remember to use the IDS auto-formatting.

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