White boxes displaying on Blue LCD 16X2 Display

Got my LCD 16X2 Display and ran the "Hello World" Sketch on Arduino.

The following thing happens after i uploaded the sketch to my arduino UNO:-

1.LCD gets power on

2.White boxes gets displayed on the 1st row of the LCD

3.Nothing gets displayed on the 2nd row of the LCD.

Varying the potentiometer leads to increase/decrease of the contrast of the white boxes displayed on the LCD.

What to do??
Please HELP!

It means that you are not actually connecting to the LCD. Something is missing. Either the connections, or the code is wrong (does not match the connections).

Show your connections.

Post a link to a picture of your setup - perfectly focussed.

Read the instructions as to how to post code, then post the code you are actually using.

Please do not "attach" things.