White display

Hello kind sir and/or madam. I am trying to make a cell phone via this tutorial: https://www.instructables.com/id/ArduinoPhone/ My problem is, no matter what, I get a white screen. I have looked up tutorials, but none of them seem to work.
My code and error messages are attached as text files.

Before this, I went to the serial monitor and got: Read TFT ID failed, ID should be 0x09341, but read ID = 0x000

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


error.txt (2.3 KB)

arduinocode.txt (18.5 KB)

Post a link to the actual screen that you have bought. e.g. Ebay sale.
We need to see the pcb view to identify the brand and model of screen.

Then we know which are appropriate libraries.

At the moment you have just included random libraries.


aka elegoo 2.8 inch touchscreen

Your display is a regular "Blue Mcufriend" parallel display.

The original project was written for a Seeed SPI display.

You can use "Adafruit_TFTLCD" or "Elegoo_TFTLCD" or "MCUFRIEND_kbv" or similar library.
And "Adafruit_TouchScreen"

All of these use "Adafruit_GFX" methods.
The TFTv2 library from Seeed has different methods.

I suspect that someone has already ported to GFX.
It will be a little tedious to port but not difficult.


@manbat0213 will be spending a little time away from the forum.


It seems wholly appropriate to ask your question on the Displays forum.

It is always polite to quote a message link in both the original thread and your new thread.
This means that all readers will be able to navigate from the old to the new and they will not accuse you of "duplicate threads".

At first sight "Programming" might seem a wise forum.
There is a lot of traffic. You don't get very helpful replies. I do not read Programming Forum unless directed from an interesting topic on another forum.


  1. quote links to your hardware
  2. quote which libraries (and versions)
  3. say which library example gives a problem. (or link to public project)
  4. ask Moderator to move a question to a more suitable forum

Quite often you get a simple solution in ONE reply.
Unfortunately your particular "porting" question requires some effort.
