White screen on TFT Display

I am new to the use of Displays in Arduino. I am using an Arduino MEGA, together with a mega shield v2.2 LCD and a 7 inch display. He looking at status with adafruit and MCUFRIEND, but it still doesn't work for me. When uploading the MCUFRIEND program it tells me: Serial took 0ms to start ID = 0x404
and I got stuck here. Can you help me?

it looks like unsupported screen ID.
Are you sure that your connections are correct? Please show a digram in the forum

@bgjuancamilo, Hi, welcome to the forum!

Many MEGA shields are write-only, because of unidirectional level converters.
With MCUFriend_kbv you need to force the ID for the controller used by your display.

If you provide a link to the display you bought, we might find more information to help you.

I dont have the link to the display, because is provide by my college :(. How can I force the ID?

In graphictest_kbv.ino line 95:

    if (ID == 0xD3D3) ID = 0x9481; // write-only shield
//    ID = 0x9329;                             // force ID

replace with:


Why did you start a new topic?

I replace that, but nothing happens. Still white screen. :frowning:

Now appears this

Did you configure MCUFriend_kbv for use with your shield?

I can't help you with this, as I used my 7" SSD1963 TFT only with STM32 processors, as far as I remember.

See also https://forum.arduino.cc/t/ssd1963-displays-for-arduino-support-for-7inch-displays/445797

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