Why are "8" & "9" blue in Arduino IDE?

I get that blue words are built in variables & constants from the libraries. I understand why many things appear blue (ex. OUTPUT, INPUT, etc...). But I'm not sure why "8" & "9" show up blue in the Arduino IDE?
I've looked around, even tried peeking at some of the libraries....
Could someone just please tell me what's so special about those two numbers?

(I'm sure it's not terribly important...since I can't find any other reference to it anywhere. But, it's sorta driving me insane...just not knowing. I have issues.) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Mine doesn't do it. If you recently installed libraries, move them elsewhere and restart arduino IDE. Maybe one of the libraries messed up the keyword file.

Well, glad I asked!

I do have multiple new libraries. I'll go through them, removing one at time, to pin down the culprit.


just search the keywords.txt files as these are used for highlighting. When found patch it, no need to remove the libs.

BTW you can just put any keyword in one of those files you want to have highlighted even your name :wink: