Why are my EEProm memory values being overwritten?

I'm using the code at the bottom, an example of what I am seeing is shown with the quoted Serial Out Data. When I send a command that updates an eeprom address (12), the previous address (11) becomes NULL . I've bolded where it happens.

What am I doing wrong with my EEProm writing that is causing this?
(Arduino Mega 2560)

Serial Out Data

20:11:28.630 -> dmEEPromValue: Sp

20:11:28.630 -> tcEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:28.640 -> tsEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:28.640 -> Sending Bluetooth Data

20:11:28.644 ->

20:11:33.543 ->

20:11:33.543 -> dmEEPromValue: Sp

20:11:33.543 -> tcEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:33.574 -> tsEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:33.606 -> Sending Bluetooth Data

20:11:33.649 ->

20:11:37.593 -> New data (serialInString): TCEnabled

20:11:37.625 ->

20:11:37.625 -> serialInString: TCEnabled

20:11:37.656 ->

20:11:37.656 -> TC selection: Enabled

20:11:37.689 -> writeToEEProm, settingName: tc , settingValue: Enabled

20:11:38.534 ->

20:11:38.534 -> dmEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:38.569 -> tcEEPromValue: Enabled

20:11:38.599 -> tsEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:38.599 -> Sending Bluetooth Data

20:11:38.636 ->

20:11:43.555 ->

20:11:43.555 -> dmEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:43.555 -> tcEEPromValue: Enabled

20:11:43.669 -> tsEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:43.669 -> Sending Bluetooth Data

20:11:43.669 ->

20:11:48.533 ->

20:11:48.533 -> dmEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:48.687 -> tcEEPromValue: Enabled

20:11:48.687 -> tsEEPromValue: NULL

20:11:48.687 -> Sending Bluetooth Data


#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial BTSerial(12, 13);   // RX , TX

unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long btLastSendTimeStamp;
unsigned long currentTimeStamp;

// Serial In/Out Variables
String serialInString;
boolean newData = false;

String readFromEEPROM(String settingName)
    if (settingName == "dm")
        int address = 11;
        int value = -1;
        int EEPromValue = EEPROM.get(address, value);
        String str_EEPromValueValidate = String(EEPromValue);
        String str_EEPromValue = "NULL";
        if (validateDataType("int", str_EEPromValueValidate.c_str()) == 0)
            return (str_EEPromValue);
        if (EEPromValue == 1)
            str_EEPromValue = "Ec";
        else if (EEPromValue == 2)
            str_EEPromValue = "Std";
        else if (EEPromValue == 3)
            str_EEPromValue = "Sp";
        else if (EEPromValue == 4)
            str_EEPromValue = "Cu";
        return (str_EEPromValue);
    else if (settingName == "tc")
        int address = 12;
        int value = -1;
        int EEPromValue = EEPROM.get(address, value);
        String str_EEPromValueValidate = String(EEPromValue);
        String str_EEPromValue = "NULL";
        if (validateDataType("int", str_EEPromValueValidate.c_str()) == 0)
            return (str_EEPromValue);

        if (EEPromValue == 1)
            str_EEPromValue = "Enabled";
        else if (EEPromValue == 2)
            str_EEPromValue = "Disabled";

        return (str_EEPromValue);
    else if (settingName == "ts")
        int address = 13;
        int value = -1;
        int EEPromValue = EEPROM.get(address, value);
        String str_EEPromValueValidate = String(EEPromValue);
        String str_EEPromValue = "NULL";
        if (validateDataType("int", str_EEPromValueValidate.c_str()) == 0)
            return (str_EEPromValue);
        if (EEPromValue == 1)
            str_EEPromValue = "Fr";
        else if (EEPromValue == 2)
            str_EEPromValue = "Re";
        else if (EEPromValue == 3)
            str_EEPromValue = "Trk";

        return (str_EEPromValue);
} // readFromEEPROM

String writeToEEProm (String settingName, String settingValue)
    Serial.print("writeToEEProm, settingName: "); Serial.print(settingName); Serial.print(" , settingValue: "); Serial.println(settingValue);
    if (settingName == "dm")
        int setting = NULL;
        if (settingValue == "Ec")
            setting = 1;
        else if (settingValue == "Std")
            setting = 2;
        else if (settingValue == "Sp")
            setting = 3;
        else if (settingValue == "Cu")
            setting = 4;

        int address = 11;
        EEPROM.put(address, setting);
    else if (settingName == "tc")
        int setting = NULL;
        if (settingValue == "Enabled")
            setting = 1;
        else if (settingValue == "Disabled")
            setting = 2;

        int address = 12;
        EEPROM.put(address, setting);
    else if (settingName == "tS")
        int setting = NULL;
        if (settingValue == "Fr")
            setting = 1;
        else if (settingValue == "Re")
            setting = 2;
        else if (settingValue == "Trk")
            setting = 3;
        int address = 13;
        EEPROM.put(address, setting);

    return "1";
} // writeToEEProm

bool validateDataType(String dataType, char* data) // true is indeed 1, and false is 0.
    if (dataType == "string")
        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(data); i++)
            if (isAlpha(data[i]))
                // continue
                return false;
        return true;
    else if (dataType == "int")
        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(data); i++)
            if (isDigit(data[i]))
                // continue
                return false;
        return true;
    else if (dataType == "float")
        int decimalPointCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(data); i++)
            if (isDigit(data[i]))
                // continue
            else if (data[i] == '.')
                if (decimalPointCount > 1)
                    return false;
                return false;

        if (decimalPointCount != 1)
            return false;
            return true;
} // validateDataType

void setup() {

    //BTSerial.begin(38400);  // HC-05 default speed in AT command mode

    while (!Serial)
      ; // Wait for serial to connect

    while (!BTSerial)
      ; // Wait for BTSerial to connect

    Serial.println("Bluetooth Started");

    btLastSendTimeStamp = millis();
} // Setup

void loop() 
    serialInString = "";
    while(Serial.available()>0 && newData == false)
        serialInString = Serial.readString();
        Serial.print("New data (serialInString): "); Serial.println(serialInString);
        newData = true;


    /*while(BTSerial.available()>0 && newData == false)
        serialInString = BTSerial.readString();
        Serial.print("New data: "); Serial.println(serialInString);       
        newData = true;


    String getEEPromValue = "NULL";

    getEEPromValue = readFromEEPROM("dm");
    String dmEEPromValue = "NULL";
    if (getEEPromValue != "NULL")
        dmEEPromValue = getEEPromValue;
        dmEEPromValue = getEEPromValue;

    getEEPromValue = "NULL";
    getEEPromValue = readFromEEPROM("tc");
    String tcEEPromValue = "NULL";
    if (getEEPromValue != "NULL")
        tcEEPromValue = getEEPromValue;

    getEEPromValue = "NULL";
    getEEPromValue = readFromEEPROM("ts");
    String tsEEPromValue = "NULL";
    if (getEEPromValue != "NULL")
        tsEEPromValue = getEEPromValue;

    currentTimeStamp = millis(); 
    if ((currentTimeStamp - btLastSendTimeStamp) > 5000)
        Serial.print("dmEEPromValue: "); Serial.println(dmEEPromValue);
        if (dmEEPromValue != "NULL")
            //Serial.print("(!=NULL)lblDMV="); Serial.println(dmEEPromValue);

        Serial.print("tcEEPromValue: "); Serial.println(tcEEPromValue);
        if (tcEEPromValue != "NULL")
            //Serial.print("(!=NULL)lblTCV="); Serial.println(tcEEPromValue);

        Serial.print("tsEEPromValue: "); Serial.println(tsEEPromValue);
        if (tsEEPromValue != "NULL")
            //Serial.print("(!=NULL)lblTSV="); Serial.println(tsEEPromValue);

        btLastSendTimeStamp = millis();
        Serial.println("Sending Bluetooth Data");

    if (serialInString != "")
        Serial.print("serialInString: "); Serial.println(serialInString);

    if ((serialInString == "Ec" || serialInString == "Ec\r\n") && (newData == true))
        Serial.print("DM selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("dm", "Ec");
        newData = false;
    else if ((serialInString == "Std" || serialInString == "Std\r\n") && (newData == true))
        Serial.print("DM selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("dm", "Std");
        newData = false;
    else if ((serialInString == "Sp" || serialInString == "Sp\r\n") && (newData == true)) 
        Serial.print("DM selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("dm", "Sp");
        newData = false;
    else if ((serialInString == "Cu" || serialInString == "Cu\r\n") && (newData == true)) 
        Serial.print("DM selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("dm", "Cu");
        newData = false;
    else if ((serialInString == "TCEnabled" || serialInString == "TCEnabled\r\n") && (newData == true))
        Serial.print("TC selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("tc", "Enabled");
        newData = false;
    else if ((serialInString == "TCDisabled" || serialInString == "TCDisabled\r\n") && (newData == true))
        Serial.print("TC selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("tc", "Disabled");
        newData = false;
    else if (serialInString == "Fr" && newData == true)
        Serial.print("TS selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("ts", "Fr");
        newData = false;
    else if (serialInString == "Re" && newData == true)
        Serial.print("TS selection: ");
        writeToEEProm("ts", "Re");
        newData = false;
    else if (serialInString == "Trk" && newData == true)
        Serial.print("TS selection: ");
        Serial.println("Trk"); // Send back, to the phone, the String "LED: ON"
        writeToEEProm("ts", "Trk");
        newData = false;

On a Mega, an int is two bytes, so you need to allow for that much space in the EEProm. Alternatively, you could use a byte instead of int if you only want to use a single byte of EEProm.

Thanks, that fixed it. How would I know that and have saved myself the 4 hours of trying to figure it out and another 1 hour putting together a simplistic example that reproed it? Is there a reference that lists quirks like that?

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