Why do I have to open and close serial monitor in ArduinoIDE after reset/connection?

  • Arduino Nano 33 BLE genuine
  • Connected via microUSB
  • Windows 11 (latest 15/12/2023)
    Why do I need to open and close ArduinoIDE Serial Monitor before FaceTrackNoIR will read serial data with ArduinoHatire Plugin? I would like to be able to restart or reconnect the Arduino and just have FaceTrackNoIR read the serial data.

    I'm a noob with Arduino so any help pointing me in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
#include <Arduino_LSM9DS1.h>

// Arduino frame structure
struct TArduinoData
    uint16_t Begin;         // Header trame 0xAAAA;
    uint16_t Code;         // 0-999 = TRACKING (+frame counter), 1000-1999 = CALIBRATING (+frame counter)
    float Rot[3];
    float Trans[3];
    uint16_t End;            // End trame 0x5555;
} ;
TArduinoData hat;

//  SERIAL_PORT_SPEED defines the speed to use for the debug serial port
#define  SERIAL_PORT_SPEED  9600

// Sensor measurements
float ax, ay, az; // Accelerometer data in m/s^2
float gx, gy, gz; // Gyroscope data in rad/s

void setup() 
    while (1);
  // header frame
  // Frame Number or Error code
  hat.Code = 0;
  hat.Rot[0] = 0;
  hat.Rot[1] = 0;
  hat.Rot[2] = 0;
  hat.Trans[0] = 0;
  hat.Trans[1] = 0;
  hat.Trans[2] = 0;
  // footer frame
 void loop() 
	// Read sensor data
	IMU.readAcceleration(ax, ay, az);
	IMU.readGyroscope(gx, gy, gz);
  hat.Rot[0] = ax*90;//pitch;
  hat.Rot[1] = ay*90;//roll;

  if (hat.Code>999) 
  // Send HAT  Trame to  PC


'cause the programmers of the IDE did not care enough.

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That's what I'm afraid of, but I was wondering if I could do anything extra in my sketch to make up for that.

No way.

Thank you, I found out serial connection works fine in opentrack!

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