I have only had my Uno a few days, but I am sure it wasn't like this at the start. Now however, it seems, even the example blink program, won't start up until I open the IDE's serial monitor window after I upload the sketch.
If I reset the Uno, or power it up, without the IDE connected, then it works normally. But if I upload a new sketch, the Uno just sits there, until I open the serial monitor - which resets the Uno, and then it starts executing the sketch.
Happens to me too with mega 2560. That's why I opt to use lcd instead for debugging. I'm impatient lol. I'm total noob too. I'll be watching to see what the good guys say.
Happens to me too with mega 2560. That's why I opt to use lcd instead for debugging. I'm impatient lol. I'm total noob too. I'll be watching to see what the good guys say.
I have an LCD I can use too, but even without any code trying to write to the serial port (which is why I gave the example of the blink program - it doesn't use the serial port), it still seems to hang. Maybe it's normal - and I never noticed it earlier. Just thought I'd get the experts to set me straight :).
One answer might be, that the sketch is "waiting" to either send data, or receive data,
from the serial monitor.
I tried to ensure that is not happening, hence why I gave the example of blink program that comes with the IDE. I see nothing in that sketch sending or receiving data.
Here it is to save you having to look for it.
Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.
This example code is in the public domain.
// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
// give it a name:
int led = 13;
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
Well if that program is causing your problem, I got no idea. There is nothing that the serial monitor does, or doesn't do, which would cause the problem you describe.
Well if that program is causing your problem, I got no idea. There is nothing that the serial monitor does, or doesn't do, which would cause the problem you describe.
...and yet I am not the only one seeing it happen.
Well I found a fix, but I have no idea why it works.
I have some hardware connected via a shield. A temperature measuring IC, an LCD panel, and a RTC. The culprit was a DS18B20 onwire temperature device. I had it connected to digital pin 4, and it was working when I loaded my sketch that read it's value and displayed it on an LCD panel (that is connected to the IIC bus (along with a DS1307 RTC) using analog pins 4 and 5).
I unplugged things one at a time, until I found that it was the DS18B20 that was causing the odd behaviour of the IDE. I moved it to digital pin 8. Now I can upload a sketch and have the Arduino restart normally again!!!!! Even better, after changing the pin number for the onewire comms - the DS18B20 is working as normal on pin 8.
Keep in mind, the sketch upload problem was happening, even with a sketch that did not access the DS18B20, nor even the digital pin 4 that it was on, for any purpose whatsoever. So what is different between pin 4 and 8 that could cause this strangeness?