In automatic mode, I move each servo to position A, then press "Save". Next, I move them to position B and press "Save" again. When I press "Run", they are expected to move smoothly from position A to position B. However, some of the steps are running very quickly, and I am unsure of the reason behind this behavior. It's difficult for me to describe everything through words, so I have a video for you to review and analyze.
Here is a link to my video on google drive because I can't post my video:
Here is parts list: Adruino Uno R3, HC-05, PSU 5v-10A.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo01;
Servo servo02;
Servo servo03;
Servo servo04;
Servo servo05;
Servo servo06;
Servo servo07;
Servo servo08;
SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(3, 4); // Arduino(RX, TX) - HC-05 Bluetooth (TX, RX)
int servo1Pos, servo2Pos, servo3Pos, servo4Pos, servo5Pos, servo6Pos, servo7Pos, servo8Pos; // current position
int servo1PPos, servo2PPos, servo3PPos, servo4PPos, servo5PPos, servo6PPos, servo7PPos, servo8PPos; // previous position
int servo01SP[50], servo02SP[50], servo03SP[50], servo04SP[50], servo05SP[50], servo06SP[50], servo07SP[50], servo08SP[50]; // for storing positions/steps
int speedDelay = 50;
int index = 0;
String dataIn,dataInS;
void setup() {
Bluetooth.begin(9600); // Default baud rate of the Bluetooth module
// Robot arm initial position
servo1PPos = 90;
servo2PPos = 30;
servo3PPos =110;
servo4PPos = 50;
servo5PPos = 180;
servo6PPos = 30;
servo7PPos = 90;
servo8PPos = 80;
void loop() {
// Check for incoming data
if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) {
dataIn = Bluetooth.readString(); // Read the data as string
// Serial.print(dataIn);
// If "Base" slider has changed value - Move Servo 1 to position
if (dataIn.startsWith("s1")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length()); // Extract only the number. E.g. from "s1120" to "120"
servo1Pos = dataInS.toInt(); // Convert the string into integer
// We use for loops so we can control the speed of the servo
// If previous position is bigger then current position
if (servo1PPos > servo1Pos) {
for ( int j = servo1PPos; j >= servo1Pos; j--) { // Run servo down
delay(15); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
// If previous position is smaller then current position
if (servo1PPos < servo1Pos) {
for ( int j = servo1PPos; j <= servo1Pos; j++) { // Run servo up
delay(15); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
servo1PPos = servo1Pos;
//Servo2 If "Shoulder" slider has changed value - Move Servo 2 to position
if (dataIn.startsWith("s2")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length()); // Extract only the number. E.g. from "s2140" to "140"
servo2Pos = dataInS.toInt(); // Convert the string into integer
// We use for loops so we can control the speed of the servo
// If previous position is bigger then current position
if (servo2PPos > servo2Pos) {
for ( int j = servo2PPos; j >= servo2Pos; j--) { // Run servo down
delay(25); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
// If previous position is smaller then current position
if (servo2PPos < servo2Pos) {
for ( int j = servo2PPos; j <= servo2Pos; j++) { // Run servo up
delay(25); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
servo2PPos = servo2Pos;
// servo4 If "Elbow" slider has changed value - Move Servo 4 to position
if (dataIn.startsWith("s3")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length()); // Extract only the number. E.g. from "s3160" to "160"
servo4Pos = dataInS.toInt(); // Convert the string into integer
// We use for loops so we can control the speed of the servo
// If previous position is bigger then current position
if (servo4PPos > servo4Pos) {
for ( int j = servo4PPos; j >= servo4Pos; j--) { // Run servo down
delay(20); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
// If previous position is smaller then current position
if (servo4PPos < servo4Pos) {
for ( int j = servo4PPos; j <= servo4Pos; j++) { // Run servo up
delay(20); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
servo4PPos = servo4Pos;
//servo5 If "Wrist roll" slider has changed value - Move Servo 5 to position
if (dataIn.startsWith("s4")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length()); // Extract only the number. E.g. from "s4200" to "200"
servo5Pos = dataInS.toInt(); // Convert the string into integer
// We use for loops so we can control the speed of the servo
// If previous position is bigger then current position
if (servo5PPos > servo5Pos) {
for ( int j = servo5PPos; j >= servo5Pos; j--) { // Run servo down
delay(20); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
// If previous position is smaller then current position
if (servo5PPos < servo5Pos) {
for ( int j = servo5PPos; j <= servo5Pos; j++) { // Run servo up
delay(20); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
servo5PPos = servo5Pos;
//servo6 If "Wist pitch" slider has changed value - Move Servo 6 to position
if (dataIn.startsWith("s5")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length()); // Extract only the number. E.g. from "s5150" to "150"
servo6Pos = dataInS.toInt(); // Convert the string into integer
// We use for loops so we can control the speed of the servo
// If previous position is bigger then current position
if (servo6PPos > servo6Pos) {
for ( int j = servo6PPos; j >= servo6Pos; j--) { // Run servo down
delay(20); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
// If previous position is smaller then current position
if (servo6PPos < servo6Pos) {
for ( int j = servo6PPos; j <= servo6Pos; j++) { // Run servo up
delay(20); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
servo6PPos = servo6Pos;
//Servo 7 If "Wrist pitch" slider has changed value - Move Servo 7 to position
if (dataIn.startsWith("s6")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length()); // Extract only the number. E.g. from "s6150" to "150"
servo7Pos = dataInS.toInt(); // Convert the string into integer
// We use for loops so we can control the speed of the servo
// If previous position is bigger then current position
if (servo7PPos > servo7Pos) {
for ( int j = servo7PPos; j >= servo7Pos; j--) { // Run servo down
delay(15); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
// If previous position is smaller then current position
if (servo7PPos < servo7Pos) {
for ( int j = servo7PPos; j <= servo7Pos; j++) { // Run servo up
delay(15); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
servo7PPos = servo7Pos;
//Servo 8 If "Grip" slider has changed value - Move Servo 8 to position
if (dataIn.startsWith("s7")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length()); // Extract only the number. E.g. from "s7150" to "150"
servo8Pos = dataInS.toInt(); // Convert the string into integer
// We use for loops so we can control the speed of the servo
// If previous position is bigger then current position
if (servo8PPos > servo8Pos) {
for ( int j = servo8PPos; j >= servo8Pos; j--) { // Run servo down
delay(15); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
// If previous position is smaller then current position
if (servo8PPos < servo8Pos) {
for ( int j = servo8PPos; j <= servo8Pos; j++) { // Run servo up
delay(15); // defines the speed at which the servo rotates
servo8PPos = servo8Pos;
// If button "SAVE" is pressed
if (dataIn.startsWith("SAVE")) {
servo01SP[index] = servo1PPos; // save position into the array
servo02SP[index] = servo2PPos;
servo03SP[index] = servo3PPos;
servo04SP[index] = servo4PPos;
servo05SP[index] = servo5PPos;
servo06SP[index] = servo6PPos;
servo07SP[index] = servo7PPos;
servo08SP[index] = servo8PPos;
index++; // Increase the array index
// If button "RESET" is pressed
if ( dataIn.startsWith("RESET")) {
memset(servo01SP, 0, sizeof(servo01SP)); // Clear the array data to 0
memset(servo02SP, 0, sizeof(servo02SP));
memset(servo03SP, 0, sizeof(servo03SP));
memset(servo04SP, 0, sizeof(servo04SP));
memset(servo05SP, 0, sizeof(servo05SP));
memset(servo06SP, 0, sizeof(servo06SP));
memset(servo07SP, 0, sizeof(servo07SP));
memset(servo08SP, 0, sizeof(servo08SP));
index = 0; // Index to 0
// If button "RUN" is pressed----
// Automatic mode custom function - run the saved steps
if (dataIn.startsWith("RUN")) {
while (dataIn.startsWith("RESET")!= true) { // Run the steps over and over again until "RESET" button is pressed
for (int i = 0; i <= index - 2; i++) { // Run through all steps(index)
if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { // Check for incomding data
dataIn = Bluetooth.readString();
if ( dataIn.startsWith("PAUSE")==true) { // If button "PAUSE" is pressed
while (dataIn.startsWith("RUN")!=true) { // Wait until "RUN" is pressed again
if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) {
dataIn = Bluetooth.readString();
if ( dataIn.startsWith("RESET")== true) {
// If speed slider is changed
if (dataIn.startsWith("ss")) {
String dataInS = dataIn.substring(2, dataIn.length());
speedDelay = dataInS.toInt(); // Change servo speed (delay time)
// Servo 1
if (servo01SP[i] == servo01SP[i + 1]) {
if (servo01SP[i] > servo01SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo01SP[i]; j >= servo01SP[i + 1]; j--) {
if (servo01SP[i] < servo01SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo01SP[i]; j <= servo01SP[i + 1]; j++) {
// Servo 2
if (servo02SP[i] == servo02SP[i + 1]) {
if (servo02SP[i] > servo02SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo02SP[i]; j >= servo02SP[i + 1]; j--) {
if (servo02SP[i] < servo02SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo02SP[i]; j <= servo02SP[i + 1]; j++) {
// Servo 4
if (servo04SP[i] == servo04SP[i + 1]) {
if (servo04SP[i] > servo04SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo04SP[i]; j >= servo04SP[i + 1]; j--) {
if (servo04SP[i] < servo04SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo04SP[i]; j <= servo04SP[i + 1]; j++) {
// Servo 5
if (servo05SP[i] == servo05SP[i + 1]) {
if (servo05SP[i] > servo05SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo05SP[i]; j >= servo05SP[i + 1]; j--) {
if (servo05SP[i] < servo05SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo05SP[i]; j <= servo05SP[i + 1]; j++) {
// Servo 6
if (servo06SP[i] == servo06SP[i + 1]) {
if (servo06SP[i] > servo06SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo06SP[i]; j >= servo06SP[i + 1]; j--) {
if (servo06SP[i] < servo06SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo06SP[i]; j <= servo06SP[i + 1]; j++) {
// Servo 7
if (servo07SP[i] == servo07SP[i + 1]) {
if (servo07SP[i] > servo07SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo07SP[i]; j >= servo07SP[i + 1]; j--) {
if (servo07SP[i] < servo07SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo07SP[i]; j <= servo07SP[i + 1]; j++) {
// Servo 8
if (servo08SP[i] == servo08SP[i + 1]) {
if (servo08SP[i] > servo08SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo08SP[i]; j >= servo08SP[i + 1]; j--) {
if (servo08SP[i] < servo08SP[i + 1]) {
for ( int j = servo08SP[i]; j <= servo08SP[i + 1]; j++) {