This function was supposed to return the number of which ever button is pressed( i have 4 buttons connected to pins 2,3,4,5).
This is the function.
int getButtonPressedFunc()
boolean pressed = false;
while(pressed == false)
button1Value = digitalRead(button1Pin);
button2Value = digitalRead(button2Pin);
button3Value = digitalRead(button3Pin);
button4Value = digitalRead(button4Pin);
if (button2Value !=0)
pressed = true;
return 2;
if (button3Value !=0)
pressed = true;
return 3;
if (button4Value !=0)
pressed = true;
return 4;
if (button1Value !=0)
pressed = true;
return 1;
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Especially item #7 on posting code.
We need to see ALL your code, not just a bit of it. We also need to know how the buttons are wired.
I suspect you have not used pull down resistors or not wired your buttons correctly.
How are the buttons wired and what pinMode() have you used for their pins ?
You should post your entire code, however, you don't need to set pressed equal to true since you are returning anyway. What you have is equivalent to this:
int getButtonPressedFunc()
button1Value = digitalRead(button1Pin);
button2Value = digitalRead(button2Pin);
button3Value = digitalRead(button3Pin);
button4Value = digitalRead(button4Pin);
if (button2Value == HIGH)
return 2;
if (button3Value == HIGH)
return 3;
if (button4Value == HIGH)
return 4;
if (button1Value == HIGH)
return 1;
Also, how are your button inputs configured and how are your buttons wired?
Bored today...
int getButtonPressedFunc()
uint8_t pins[] = {button1Pin, button2Pin, button3Pin, button4Pin};
uint8_t i = 0;
while (1)
if (digitalRead(pins[i]) != 0) return i + 1;
if ( i > sizeof(pins[]) / sizeof(pins[0]) ) i = 0;
Bored today...
Even more bored than aarg...
int getButtonPressedFunc()
const uint8_t pins[] = {button1Pin, button2Pin, button3Pin, button4Pin};
const uint8_t NUMPINS = sizeof(pins[]) / sizeof(pins[0]);
const uint8_t PRESSED = HIGH;
uint8_t i = 0;
while (1)
if (digitalRead(pins[i]) == PRESSED) return i + 1;
const uint8_t NUMPINS = sizeof(pins[]) / sizeof(pins[0]);
expected primary-expression before ']' token
Even more bored than aarg...
Not possible:
int getButtonPressedFunc()
const uint8_t pins[] = {button1Pin, button2Pin, button3Pin, button4Pin};
const uint8_t NUMPINS = sizeof(pins) / sizeof(pins[0]);
int i = 0;
while (not digitalRead(pins[i % NUMPINS])) i++;
return (i % NUMPINS) + 1;