why DOES this code work..

void sendString ( char *myString)
	while (*myString> 0)

when i send a string it displays it properly, but if i increment my string pointer from the get go it never sees index 0 which would be the first letter yet it does in fact display it ;
how so? is there a null character in beginning of my string?

the way i see is it like any array
0 1 2 3 4
E D D I E <--see the E in the 0 position
but the very first operation in the while loop is *pointer++ so right there it goes to position one which is the first D...

im lost here :frowning:

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Cereal communication...

It's a post-increment, that's why. It wouldn't work if you wrote:


Post increment, i++, increments after the value has been used, pre increment increment before use.

So your code reads

void sendString ( char *myString)
	while (*myString> 0)

C++ means c incremented (improved) after use :slight_smile:


Let's break it down:

	while (*myString> 0)

While the character is greater than 0:

  • Print the character
  • Increment the pointer
	while (*myString++> 0)

While the character is greater than 0:

  • Increment the pointer
  • Print the character

See the subtle difference? The ++ is performed after the test, not after each iteration of the while loop. You could do it with a do...while loop though, and preincrement, as long as the first character is guaranteed NOT to be 0:

do {
} while (*(++myString) > 0);

C++ means c incremented (improved) after use :slight_smile:

Personally I thought it was a reference to the standardized language used in 1984 (George Orwell) - C that is double-plus good.