Sounds like spam.
hello Nick, no it is far from SPAM. it may be unconventional as is most of my stuff. but definitely not spam. not being a programmer and a beginner, I am unable to think as a programmer, though I know what I want to accomplish.
what I am working on at this point is.....sorta, like a user interface that goes in the "setup" it will run 1 time when the project is turned on. the "user" has 2 options, 1. do nothing and it times out, confirms previous user input and moves to the loop. 2. press and hold button for 5 seconds. the 5s is a safety feature. so if the button is inadvertently pushed for a "moment", nothing will happen. when the 5s is met it starts a sequence in which the user can make a change. once made it confirms the change and moves to the loop.
I use LED's in my description simply because it makes it easier than explaining all the components and component characteristics.
I can do it in bits and pieces, but, being a beginner, I suppose you might think it sounds like spam.
I have read many of your articles, and know you are very well versed in programming. perhaps you would like to make a recommendation or 2 on what I am trying to accomplish?
the "user" or operator has (1) minute to do, or not do, before the program leaves set up and moves to the loop once the arduino is turned on. every time the arduino is turned on.
only (1) of (2) things happen.
- a blue LED turns on for one minute
1a. a yellow LED turns on at the 45 second mark for (1) second.
//this confirms if, and, what action was taken by previous user//
done and move to loop.
the second part is a bit more difficult because it "happens" while 1 is running. or in between the start of 1 and the 45 second mark.
- press and hold a button for 5 seconds, when or if condition is met.
2a. a RGB LED, blinks 5x blue (1s on1s off)
it transition to green, blinks 5x (1s on 1s off)
it transitions to red, blinks 1 time for 10 seconds.
//this allows new user to change action//
then 1a will confirm changes at the 45 second mark.
new set up is done.
and then it moves to the loop.
I can do the RGB LED sequence with delays or with using millis
I can also press and hold a button 5 seconds and turn on a LED
I can also complete the one minute with edge detection at the 45 second mark.
however, when I start putting it all together, the results are uhmmmmm not as expected.
do you think that this can be accomplished in setup? or should I pursue a different avenue?