I have an Arduino Mega with a 433MHz RF Module Receiver and a Uno with the Transmitter. it is setup so that when the Mega receives the message "Hello World", it triggers the transistor to light an LED. meanwhile, I am trying to get the Uno to transmit the message when I push a button connected to pin 8, however, there are two problems.
the Arduino reads putting a cable (with no voltage running through it) in the pin socket as "HIGH" and will then send the message
the Arduino UNO will send two of the messages (one once then the second four seconds later) each time I put the cable in the pin socket
If anyone could help me it would be appreciated - here is the code:
Transmitter (Arduino UNO):
#include <RH_ASK.h> // Include RadioHead Amplitude Shift Keying Library
#include <SPI.h> // Include dependant SPI Library
// Create Amplitude Shift Keying Object
RH_ASK rf_driver;
void setup()
// Initialize ASK Object
// Setup Serial Monitor
void loop()
if (digitalRead(8)==HIGH){
const char *msg = "Hello World";
rf_driver.send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg));
// Message Transmitted
Serial.println("Message Transmitted: Hello World");
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Receiver (Arduino Mega):
#include <RH_ASK.h> // Include RadioHead Amplitude Shift Keying Library
#include <SPI.h> // Include dependant SPI Library
// Create Amplitude Shift Keying Object
RH_ASK rf_driver;
void setup()
// Initialize ASK Object
// Setup Serial Monitor
void loop()
// Set buffer to size of expected message
uint8_t buf[11];
uint8_t buflen = sizeof(buf);
// Check if received packet is correct size
if (rf_driver.recv(buf, &buflen))
// Message received with valid checked-sum
Serial.print("Message Received: ");
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