Why Is My Arduino Code Not Producing the Expected Output?

"I’m having trouble with my Arduino project where the code I’ve written is not producing the expected output or behavior. I’ve double-checked the wiring, reviewed the code for errors, and tried different debugging methods, but the issue persists. Has anyone experienced similar problems, and what troubleshooting steps or solutions have helped you resolve unexpected output issues with Arduino?

I break the components down and test a single one at a time. For instance, a display or sensor etc. I use the examples provided in most libraries. Once I each piece working then I add one device at a time to rebuild the program.

My first test is to run the IDE example program "blink without delay" to verify the board is working.


Many forum members got help just by posting their code here.

(I moved your post to a better category)

you can also read How to get the best out of this forum


The best troubleshooting steps will depend on the code, the circuit, and what you expect it to be able to do.

From the total non-information you e given there is nothing that can be done. You probably have a code error or something. If you post it here with a little more information than "doesn't work" someone might be able to help you spot the problem.


Using a crystal ball, if You are experienced in that, is an option.
Using temporary Serial.println at strategic points, printing strategic variables is another way.


Two most common causes are

  • Inadequate variable or operand type, causing integer overflow and produce unexpected result

  • Buffer overflow ( for example, OBOB ), causing program corruption and possibly produce unexpected result or program crash

You did ask a good question overall, with a good attitude!

If the sketch is not long, posting it right off would have helped but with a long sketch, maybe not so much.

Does it already print much? If not, "debug prints" may be your best tool.

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Use a debugger ( if your board support this ), use debug prints if not.

Must admit that 'crystal ball' is tempting ; - )

My crystal ball is always in the shop. Damned elves never get it right.

Posting a detailed schematic listing part numbers showing the wiring here really helped one time, and another couple times I posted my code using code tags.

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  • Post your hardware devices.
  • Post your wiring diagram.
  • Post your code.
  • Describe your expectations.
  • Describe your observations.

Hi, @anasrez
Welcome to the forum.

Please post your code, in code tags.

Can you please post a copy of your circuit, a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.

Please tell us what your code is supposed to do.
Please tell us what your code actually does.

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:


Change your expectations?

Simplify them by copying/editing/writing example test sketches that test one input, one output, or one device to see if they work with your setup as expected. Blink.ino will test an output. Button.ino will test an input. Etc...

If the hardware is all functional, and there's a logic error somewhere between the expectations and code, you still need to simplify the logic and adjust the expectations.