I am a big fan of the Due, and find that most people don't realize how much better it is than all the other Arduino boards. I have noticed in the last few months that the price for the DUE is my local area of Toronto, Canada is now cheaper than a MEGA 2560. Why is that? I would guess due to supply and demand, and that people are scared of the differences between the standard ATMEL and INTEL processor in the Due.
Why is it that the Due didn't do as well as some of the other boards as far as exposure? The board is no bigger than the Mega, and the only down side is that the processor and i/o runs at 3.3v and not 5v. Which can easily be worked around.
Also "The Arduino Due board has powerful interrupt capabilities that allows you to attach an interrupt function on all available pins. You can directly specify the pin number in attachInterrupt()." This is a huge benefit over other boards.
Not to mention the 84mhz processor!