Every "Pause without delay" tutorial uses LED state variable to toggle the LED, so I'm wondering what's wrong with my approach and why it's not working?
unsigned long timer1 = 0;
unsigned long timer2 = 0;
const long interval = 1000;
void setup()
void loop()
 timer1 = millis();
 if (millis() - timer1 >= interval) digitalWrite(13,LOW);
 timer2 = millis();
 if (millis() - timer2 >= interval) digitalWrite(13,LOW);
It's very likely because the first thing the board does is light the LED -and never switches it off-.
I did read the pinned post about millis() but I'm wondering why my code isn't alternating states? It makes perfect sense to me when I try to read it in plain English
Every time around loop() (and that's a lot of times every second), you turn the LED on.
Occasionally, you turn it off, then a few microseconds later, on again.
The LED is blinking, it's just that human eyes don't work well on microsecond timescales - you should see it with an oscilloscope though.
Study this simple "winker", is turning something ON then OFF repeatedly not called toggling?
Change "pulse" and "interval" to suit.
void setup()
void loop()
 static unsigned long tStart = 0;
 unsigned int pulse = 50,    // ON time = 50 mS
       interval = 1000; // OFF = interval - pulse = 950 mS
 digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,millis() - tStart < pulse);
 if(millis() - tStart > interval)
 tStart += interval;