Why isn't it feasible to add "websocket" code?

So I own a 3018 PRO MAX CNC, it runs GRBL 1.1 and it's Arduino based. (I've done a fair amount of project development but I'm not interested in learning all that much about Arduino.) So there are two connectors and two I/O systems, USB and offline controller, but it is widely known that the offline controller is basically mostly serial I/O and (with level shifting) you can connect an ESP8266 programmed with the "websocket" code to that connector and get Wi-Fi I/O (in theory it could do telnet too), in fact there is a software product LaserGRBL which connects by that mechanism. In fact I've even gotten the ESP8266 to emit radio waves when so connected, so there's NO question that it was designed to do this. And to carry this further there's even an organization Nodemcu that will do "custom cloud builds" of up to 70 different modules of ESP8266 code for various purposes. So at least IN PRINCIPLE it ought to be possible for me to simply specify the proper collection of such modules to Nodemcu (I already have the hardware adapter designed AND WORKING), get the build and simply flash the file into the ESP8266 chip and set the parameters and use the Wi-Fi, there ought to be no real "development" involved. Unfortunately the gentleman who runs LaserGRBL has stated that he isn't "going to offer project support". OK so if I can't get the assistance from him, is there anyone here who WILL give me the help I need? It shouldn't really take very much from the way I see it! Is there "something going on" that I'm not aware of?

I did buy a 3018 from Banggood. It's likely different from Your version.

You tell a lot of thoughts and theories. Suppose You draw a block diagram showing the system build up? I think that would be of good help.

I would hope all copies of "GRBL 1.1" would be binary compatible, aren't they just like identical copies of a Linux distro (the hardware SCHEMATIC of the unit could differ somewhat)? It's just an Arduino project release build, right?

All I should need to know is on the second diagram: WiFi with ESP8266 – LaserGRBL ...his LaserGRBL program should run the same on your Banggood as my CNCTOPBAOS (whatever that is). Beyond that I'm not PROVIDING diagrams, I'm LOOKING FOR them (but you have to concede "one serial transmit/one serial receive" isn't exactly a roaringly complex system!).

There's another option I guess, on that page LaserGRBL talks about ".ino" files. I wouldn't mind building the binary file that I need, I'm just not "much into" setting up a whole Arduino development environment, I'm not interested in developing code for an AVR, just to complete a build for the ESP8266! Now where this guy TOTALLY LOSES me is I can't really tell from his description which ".ino" files are for the AVR and which for the Wi-Fi device, and what the heck is the Arduino environment that you build ESP8266-only code on, or are you required to build BOTH and somehow go through and pick the pepper specks out of the salt? That I WOULDN'T "volunteer for". If someone could send me an annotated page with diagrams explaining how I build an ESP8266-only environment and which of HIS files I should use I MIGHT be vaguely interested, but all I can see on that page is frankly a cluster-**** that I can't BEGIN to make sense of, and I wanted to approach this as more of a discontented enduser (because I've got circuit boards waiting to be milled!) but if it could be carefully "pared down" I'd likely CONSIDER doing something like that.

I don't understand what You are worried about, writing "binary compatible"?
GRBL last version is 1.1 but all devices don't support all of the setup. GRBL is general, used by at lot of difference equipment.

Linux distro? Never heard about it.

You can use Arduinos and GRBL. Just download the code for a GRBL interpreter in the Arduino.

So if I understand what's going on here, you want to use an ESP8266 as a WiFi to serial connector to an arduino running GRBL so you can drip feed commands? Or did I totally miss the plot?

If you are looking to pay someone to do the coding for your project, there is a forum category specifically for that.

If you're not willing to be civil, JUST GO HOME.


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