// AC Current Sensor with LCD By Solarduino
// 0- General
int decimalPrecision = 2;
// 1- AC Current Measurement
int CurrentAnalogInputPin = A1;
float mVperAmpValue = 185;
float offsetSampleRead = 0;
float currentSampleRead = 0;
float currentLastSample = 0;
float currentSampleSum = 0;
float currentSampleCount = 0;
float currentMean ;
float RMSCurrentMean ;
float adjustRMSCurrentMean ;
float FinalRMSCurrent ;
//1.1 Offset AC Current
int OffsetRead = 0;
float currentOffset1 = 0;
float currentOffset2 = 0;
float offsetSampleSum =0;
float offsetCurrentMean = 0;
float offsetLastSample = 0;
float offsetSampleCount = 0;
//2 - LCD Display
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> LCD(8,9,4,5,6,7);
unsigned long startMillisLCD;
unsigned long currentMillisLCD;
const unsigned long periodLCD = 1000;
void setup()
// 0- General
// 2 - LCD Display
startMillisLCD = millis();
void loop()
// 0- General
// 0.1- Button Function
int buttonRead;
buttonRead = analogRead (0);
//Right button is pressed
if (buttonRead < 60)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS<select>"); }</select>
// Up button is pressed
else if (buttonRead < 200)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS<select>"); }</select>
// Down button is pressed
else if (buttonRead < 400)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS<select>"); }</select>
// Left button is pressed
else if (buttonRead < 600)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS<select>"); }</select>
// Select button is pressed
else if (buttonRead < 800) { OffsetRead = 1; LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("INITIALIZING..... "); LCD.setCursor(0,1); LCD.print ("WAIT 5 SEC ..... "); } // 1- AC Current Measurement if(millis() >= currentLastSample + 1)
offsetSampleRead = analogRead(CurrentAnalogInputPin)-512;
offsetSampleSum = offsetSampleSum + offsetSampleRead;
currentSampleRead = analogRead(CurrentAnalogInputPin)-512 + currentOffset1;
currentSampleSum = currentSampleSum + sq(currentSampleRead) ;
currentSampleCount = currentSampleCount + 1;
currentLastSample = millis();
if(currentSampleCount == 1000)
offsetCurrentMean = offsetSampleSum /currentSampleCount;
currentMean = currentSampleSum/currentSampleCount;
RMSCurrentMean = sqrt(currentMean);
adjustRMSCurrentMean = RMSCurrentMean + currentOffset2;
FinalRMSCurrent = (((adjustRMSCurrentMean /1024) *5000) /mVperAmpValue);
Serial.print(" The Current RMS value is: ");
Serial.println(" A ");
offsetSampleSum = 0;
currentSampleSum =0;
//1.1 - Offset AC Current
if(OffsetRead == 1)
currentOffset1 = 0;
if(millis()>= offsetLastSample + 1)
offsetSampleCount = offsetSampleCount + 1;
offsetLastSample = millis();
if(offsetSampleCount == 1500)
currentOffset1 = - offsetCurrentMean;
OffsetRead = 2;
offsetSampleCount = 0;
if(OffsetRead == 2)
currentOffset2 = 0;
if(millis()>= offsetLastSample + 1)
offsetSampleCount = offsetSampleCount + 1;
offsetLastSample = millis();
if(offsetSampleCount == 2500)
currentOffset2 = - RMSCurrentMean;
OffsetRead = 0;
offsetSampleCount = 0;
// 2 - LCD Display
currentMillisLCD = millis();
if (currentMillisLCD - startMillisLCD >= periodLCD)
LCD.print("A ");
LCD.print(" ");
startMillisLCD = currentMillisLCD ;
``` whys it that im getting that error
i dont know why im getting 'LCD' was not declared in this scope
Hello Swagometer, Good day.
check the example:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup()
lcd.print("hello, world!");
void loop() {}
Best regards
What do you think this line does?
@swagometer, welcome and thanks for using code tags in your first post.
Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is not for problems with (nor for advise on) your project.
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