Why the Serial monitor Do not Print the Reading of sensor??

hi everyone?
Can you help me with this problem. I don't know why my serial monitor did't print anything while i using arduino yun to run it. But if i use the arduino uno, the serial monitor was giving the sensor reading. I really do not know what is the problem. Please help me.... below is my coding:

#include <TH02_dev.h>
#include <Bridge.h>
#include <Process.h>

#define SENSOR_COUNT   (5)
#define VAR1_COUNT     (SENSOR_COUNT+1)
typedef int (*pgetSensorValue)(void);

int getTempSensorValue();
int getSoundSensorValue();
int getHumiSensorValue();
int getLightSensorValue();
int getUVSensorValue();
int getPIRSensorValue();

const int LightSensorIndex = 1;
const int UVSensorIndex = 2;
const int THSensorIndex = 3;

const int pinLight = A2;
const int pinUV = A3;
const int pinPIR = 7;

const char* SerialVarList1[] = { "temperature", "humidity", "light", "uv", "pir"};

pgetSensorValue getSensorValueList[]={

int SensorValue[SENSOR_COUNT];

void printSettings(void){
  Serial.println("The Sensors Value as follow:");
  for(int i=0; i<SENSOR_COUNT;i++){
    Serial.print(" = ");

//get Temperature Senso value
int getTempSensorValue(){
  int temper =(int) TH02.ReadTemperature();
  SensorValue[TEMPER] = temper;
  return temper;

//get Humidity Senso value
int getHumiSensorValue(){
  int humidity =(int)TH02.ReadHumidity();
  SensorValue[HUMI] = humidity;
  return humidity;

//get Grove-Light Sensor value
int getLightSensorValue(){
  return (SensorValue[LIGHT] = analogRead(pinLight));
//get Grove-UV Sensor value
int getUVSensorValue(){
  return (SensorValue[UV] = analogRead(pinUV));

//Grove PIR Motion Sensor
int getPIRSensorValue(){
  return (SensorValue[PIR] = digitalRead(pinPIR));
void setup() 


void loop() 


Since the UNO works as expected and the YUN does not, I will ask a moderator to move this to the YUN board.

Thank You Sir, Johnwasser
Hope the problem can be solve by your help.
I really need to do this project successfully.
looking foward for the result sir.

The Yun's serial TX and RX pins are used by the Bridge to talk to the linux side of the board.

If you are connected via the network to the Yun, use the Console.h setup.

#include <Console.h> //with the rest of the #includes
Console.begin(); //anytime after Bridge.begin();
Console.println("etc"); //instead of Serial.println

This output will go to the same serial console in the IDE.